Originally Posted by Meamme0 View Post
Probably because he was given admin rights on he blog. I think this forum uses the vBulletin - Wordpress bridge, so certain rights are automatically transferred. You can set vBulletin to allow only certain users to post threads etc ( see image of a part of the acp, usergroup settings, but you can set this for forums too).

When i said im not sure why i meant that i think that all of us should be able to post threads there. I know that admins can turn that off.
Originally Posted by kooky View Post
How long can it take to get denied or accepted. Please give me a approximate answer.

Between 1 min and ten years depending on who you are and how/who to you apply.
Usually a couple of days.
How are you?
Well, Sid has already said i could be a toriblogger, but i think the other bloggers wouldnt feel satisfied to know i was accepted without even posting an app, so, here it is:
My age: 16
Active on forums: Yes - at least 3 posts a day-.
Blogging experience: I dont like claiming myself as 'experienced' in anything. What i can say is that i actually have a blog, but its in portuguese, Well, blog content is what counts, right? Here's the link: http://radioliberars.blogspot.com/

Note: I will not make daily posts on the blog, I dont even know if any blogger does that .-. What i mean is that ill not make any vague entry, first ill think, and then, i'll post.
Active on IRC: Yes.

I will post, in advance, a notice telling if ill need to go inactive, always including a reason for doing so, and maybe, the amount of time ill be inactive,
in order to avoid posterior problems.
Last edited by Sidvicious; May 9, 2011 at 05:28 PM.
kooky, i have told you many times that you were denied.
Sidvicious, you were really supposed to PM someone but ill post that for you.