I know im late because of my trip, but gratz lads, well deserved

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Erm. I like Meamme0 alot. He is really cool, but I think it may be just a tad rude that you are already trying to revolutionize for a new leader. If Rayleigh has done something bad that I haven't noticed, please tell me. Its just currently things seem to be going well. TAF has been official for one day, Rayleigh brought us this far, why not at least give him the credit of taking this org so far.

Anyways, its up to the members. This is not a yes or no. I also believe the word you were looking for is Apathetic Members.

My response to the Council thing:
Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
Done with applications thread.

By the way, I'm still trying to work out the council.

Last edited by Muur; Mar 8, 2011 at 11:03 PM.
Originally Posted by Muur View Post
Erm. I like Meamme0 alot. He is really cool, but I think it may be just a tad rude that you are already trying to revolutionize for a new leader. If Rayleigh has done something bad that I haven't noticed, please tell me. Its just currently things seem to be going well. TAF has been official for one day, Rayleigh brought us this far, why not at least give him the credit of taking this org so far.

Anyways, its up to the members. This is not a yes or no. I also believe the word you were looking for is Apathetic Members.

Isn't this enough?

Originally Posted by Saint View Post
You haven't appointed a council in ages, you fired the last one out of whim without even trying to be reasonable.
And you aren't interested at all in appointing anybody new.

He doesn't seem able to handle the responsability of being a leader, otherwise we wouldn't face the situation of having just ONE council member, with him being the only one able of accepting new members. He fired the last council out of a whim, instead of trying to be reasonable and since then he never cared of renewing it. He also hasn't even created an org bank yet, and nobody has any idea if there was any tc donated to the org. I only know that Meamme0 donated 50k for us to become official, yet nobody has credited him officially because of Rayleigh's failure to mention it.

Meamme0 can do a far better job, so why not change the leader for the best of the clan?

Edit: Yeah, stating that he will start on renewing the council 2 weeks after he dismissed the previous one is too late. It doesn't show he's capable of running things.
[TAF] General Discussion
EDIT: NVM. Didnt see Silco's thread.

i've gotten lazy. Should start reading before I post -.-
Last edited by Zoro; Mar 9, 2011 at 04:10 PM.
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