Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Favorite Mod:Lightning Fighter
Country:US (New York,Brooklyn)
A Time That We Can Meet and Play:Around 6:00 - 9:00 In the night. Or on Saturday and Sunday all day. (Eastern Time)
The Server to Meet In:Any server with Lightning Fighters. I go to any server that my buds are in.
Do you get annoyed when losing?:Nah I say good game, try to manipulate the opponents strategy and add it to mine.
Do you make fun of others when they lose?:Strictly. NO.
Anything else you want us to know?:I hate when people curse.
BY the way: Some part of me knew I had to apply when I saw Kirby on the Predator Logo.
Last edited by jelani76; May 18, 2008 at 10:59 PM.
4th grade uhm.. I live in england, its years here. :3. for every "grade" or "year" as we call it england. its 1 year for every 4 years of age. if you get me. so in "year 4" i would of been 8 then 9
Favorite Mod:soccer
A Time That We Can Meet and Play:some weeks 6:30 the next week 3:30
The Server to Meet In:78
Do you get annoyed when losing?:no
Do you make fun of others when they lose?:not really
Anything else you want us to know?i am good i get told that
A Time That We Can Meet and Play:IDK maybe during the week
The Server to Meet In:a wushu server
Do you get annoyed when losing?: no
Do you make fun of others when they lose?:no
Anything else you want us to know?: no
Belt: green
Favorite Mod:alley roof
A Time That We Can Meet and Play:Sunday, may 25 at 10:00 am+
The Server to Meet In:40
Do you get annoyed when losing?:nope
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: nope
Anything else you want us to know?:nope
Last edited by darkhazard; May 25, 2008 at 05:01 PM. Reason: i thought mod was for moderator
Favourite mod:Sambo/aikido
age: 11 to 12
A time to meet and play:today monday 26 may at 5:30 spain hour
the server we meet in: 13 or 37 (dont care)
i started to play a couple a couple a weeks and im already blue belt.

Belt: Black

Mod: any

Time: Around, now and 5pm


Do I get annoyed when i loose: No

Server: Predators server
Last edited by Dubbah; May 26, 2008 at 01:39 PM.
I Iz Teh Shizzle YAH!!! Um, no... not really