Original Post
Toribank - Beta Testing
I thought i'd let you in on something I've been working on for the past 12 hours. It's not meant to be a robust solution to all the worlds problems, but more of a proof-of-concept that might result in something "official" later on.

Basically, Toribank is an automated user that takes commands via PMs, and manages funds in accounts that way. Account owners have the ability to add and remove account managers who can also manage funds in the accounts. The main target group of this feature is clans who share resources among them. Currently this is done by a shared account, despite being against the rules. With a bank system it's easier to share TC in a group, plus logging keeps track of who's using up all the TC.

This post/thread will only serve as startup. The most up to date info can be found here:

As the title says, this system consists of around 600 lines of spagetti-code that i've baked together for the past 12ish hours, so keep that in mind when trying to break it.

From looking at the console right now, i think it's worth mentioning that all commands are to be sent in UPPERCASE... RTFM..

Oh, and this being beta, and all... use at your own risk. If you lose money to the bank, then there's no refund. However, on the flipside, if you manage to find a loophole and gain money, you get to keep it (bug reports appreciated, tho).
Update: Most teething problems should be weeded out now. I would consider it safe for clans to transfer TC over to toribank.
Last edited by Jarmund; Nov 28, 2011 at 12:35 PM.
So, I just tried to add a manager to my account, i got this reply back from toribank: "You cannot add account manager without being account owner"

edit: Oh whoops, I messed up the command. My mistake, I'll try that again.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Originally Posted by Gum View Post
So, I just tried to add a manager to my account, i got this reply back from toribank: "You cannot add account manager without being account owner"

The command I used was "ADDMAN khaoskill" in the subject line of a pm to toribank. This pm was sent from the account Gum, which was the account I used to create the bank.

I noticed. Looking into it now.

UPDATE: I just noticed, you forgot to include the account name. One user can have several accounts.
The correct syntax is: ADDMAN accountname username
Last edited by Jarmund; Nov 27, 2011 at 06:25 PM.
What if we find a loophole and abuse it until its extremely obvious? Does that give you the right to take the TC from us despite the fact you said we could keep it?
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
What if we find a loophole and abuse it until its extremely obvious? Does that give you the right to take the TC from us despite the fact you said we could keep it?

If it's extremely obvious it's easy to stop and deal with. Like i said, for now, (ab)use it as much as you want, as you run the risk of the opposite happening too. Under normal circumstances there shouldn't be any issues, though
Last edited by Jarmund; Nov 27, 2011 at 06:57 PM.

Add the account under "Quick Links".
Former Toribasher. Never any good though.
Rest in peace Tint.
it has no benefits BUT this could be awesome if you added interest in the banks. Also you should let their be people who can deposit in the bank and only withdraw what they deposeted or if a member leaves the clan theyre deposits are withdrawn to them.
Clan leader of [Pyro].
apply here to join.
Originally Posted by TMSM View Post
it has no benefits BUT this could be awesome if you added interest in the banks. Also you should let their be people who can deposit in the bank and only withdraw what they deposeted or if a member leaves the clan theyre deposits are withdrawn to them.

Interest in banks will simply crash the entire market and the value of TC.
And this is useful especially to members who use clan banks often, so this way, they wouldn't be banned for multiclienting 'n such.
Originally Posted by TMSM View Post
it has no benefits BUT this could be awesome if you added interest in the banks. Also you should let their be people who can deposit in the bank and only withdraw what they deposeted or if a member leaves the clan theyre deposits are withdrawn to them.

It's default that it's possible to deposit and not withdraw - anyone can deposit into any account.

So, there was a crash related to adding accountmanagers. Anyhoo, this has now been fixed. Thanks to celloman to triggered the crash.
Any PMs submitted after the crash has now been processed.

Last edited by Jarmund; Nov 28, 2011 at 04:23 AM.