Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
Vermass unless you can give a really convincing explanation you are rejected.

Yes, Get A Really Convincing Explanation You Are Rejected.

For Me At The Moment, It Is Still A No From Me.
Dr Zoidberg
Vermass is denied. Why?

'Cause Billy said so. That and his avatar is a pony. I hate ponies.
Have you ever licked Nutella off of a penis?
I love you, MocroGunz.
Ponies= stupid, gay and retarded.
Unicorns= Stupid gay and retarded.
but Ponicorns= Cool, sexy and awesome.

just so this is not offtopic you still have my no.
Dr Zoidberg
Guys ok I am sorry for weddark but I am the owner.Oh and the other sets are all made by me and ill change my avatar if you want.
(Rvng) Member(want to be)-5thdan Blackbelt
Rock hard bro......
Well, I am going to think about it for know seeing that you owned up to it. If the others say yes then it is a yes for me as well.
Dr Zoidberg
I still say NO you took us for stupids
I wont let someone who underestimates us enter the clan
And you dont need to change your avvy just because people dislike it...
Join date: Dec 12, 2010

I started to play, but I lost my internet and started to make replays.

I am pretty skilled though my belt show it.

Belt: 3 rd dan black belt

Replays/Art: replays

Favourite mod: i like wushu akido more.

Why you wish to join: i wish to be prophecy member and i think i can make the clan more powerfull

Why we should let you join: I am a skilled and active player

Do you have access to IR no

Last edited by Slanesh; Dec 12, 2011 at 03:53 PM.
All the wrong I've done the Lord still keep on blessin' me