Earned 3.6k IP with it :D .

Also they fucked it up again, oh man, long queue and 10 ip boost here I come.

Also also, I'm getting better with Draven >:D .
Oh my.
This is just like Varus.

They release a champion who actually requires skill and practice, so for the first week or so he is just food, but now people are starting to get good with him.
daddy kill the spider
Haha, kinda, Varus is still a food champ thought D: I've seen at least 1 good Varus out of 10 and prolly he just got lucky. Like his Q is really annoying at early game, but that's it. Wait, I'm thinking and it seems like Draven is just the same as Varus......... world is ending for me Q-Q I mean, their Q is an attack, their W is.. uhm.. a skill, and their E is a slow, their R is... different!!!111! FYEAH!!11!

In a more serious note, couldn't play shit 'cause server is fucked up :( how am I supposed to practice with Draven? Q-Q

Alsoo, funny thing but noobish I've been doing is at mid/late game just jungle and wait till my team gets into a fight AND THEN KS WITH MY ULT! I PRO DRAVEN.
Carried my team with Winvia a couple days ago (Anivia isn't a carry LoL)... also got an unofficial penta (official quadra)

Winvia <3

Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
And not even level 30 yet. Like a champ Joshy. Like a champ.

And these server problems are killing me. I haven't been able to play in days.

Also, are you still playing Xin Aoc? You are good with him, except you jungle too much late game :y
daddy kill the spider
I would if the servers at least work, 'cause I have no champs, no runes, no masteries :( so yeah.. LoL is pretty fucked right now. "Bring the server at a basic level to maintain stability" fucked so many accounts champs, runes and masteries. Terrible way to fix problems. But then again, all those noobs that are "i cant play plz riot i demand game or i suicide and kill my dad and mom plz i wanna play" are annoying as hell, so I guess they didn't have any other options.