I'm having some trouble with it.
When i try to watch you replay, theres no structures. It looks like you're flying!
Is there a command for this? Because i guess it does...
You need to have the mod downloaded first. So download the mod, then put it in: C:/games/toribash[version]/data/mods
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
One of the best mods yet
"People should not be afraid of their governments.
Governments should be afraid of their people."
So I've been playing this mod for about a day now, and here is what I've gotten from it.
*Note: I'm not the best at parkour maps
Attached Files
Parkour Dream D - Spaxxor.rpl (307.2 KB, 41 views)
"Too black for the white kids, too white for the black, from honor roll to crackin' locks up off them bicycle racks"
Originally Posted by lekabuno View Post
I'm having some trouble with it.
When i try to watch you replay, theres no structures. It looks like you're flying!
Is there a command for this? Because i guess it does...

If u have added mod already and use newest versio of toribash u should be able to see, but it might be problem i have... When i open replay (not in game) it opens it on old versio what doesnt have mod, in this case right click file ,open with, select launch icon from ur deskopt with to open/if i remember right
Then it should run on newest versio u have (incase tht its the prob)
daxx epic replay 11/10
dscigs awesome one 9.8
Velair lold... kinda story stylish replay :3 7.5/10
Last edited by joope1; May 24, 2013 at 03:10 PM.
I like this mod best parkour mod in my opinion. The end is kinda hard though
"People should not be afraid of their governments.
Governments should be afraid of their people."
This isnt very hard
Just needs some realism
and alot0 of turnframes
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
As a fellow modder I thought I'd suggest a mod idea that I've played around with for a while: An ghetto African rooftop run. Maybe Adobe houses with planks connecting the houses and a window that is boarded up that you can jump through. I can post inspirational photos if you still can't picture it. I understand if this isn't what you want your newest parkour dream to be, but again it's just a suggestion.
I make mods.
Got invited to the GodTeam, respectfully declined.

i guess i need proof