Originally Posted by Jakeway View Post
Now on to gun laws. As a US citizen I follow all the gun laws to the T. Its the only reason I don't have a glock 18 to carry. But if you've ever been in a bad neighborhood, which I'm assuming most of you have not? You will see gun laws mean relatively nothing. I've seen men with fully autos(Assumption) standing on the block corner, guys with no concealed weapon permit(Assumption) with guns pretty visible in their waist. Before you say its not concealed, I know someone will, simply moving your shirt over it makes it concealed and it is considered a concealed weapon still. So go to a ghetto, gang infested, drug run, shit hole and count the cops you see, then count the cops you see who are arresting people blatantly breaking laws. You wont see that many, its just not worth it, in some parts of these cities the criminals really are in control. The problem isn't the laws, its our lack of funding to police departments for more officers on the streets and better equipment for said officers. At least that's how I see it in the US.

This is the main problem with prohibition. Criminals don't follow the law, by definition.

Prohibition only worked in Australia because people were consciously willing to give up guns. It was a team effort, not the government stealing something from the citizens.
And as most know some US citizens will die before giving up their guns. Which I'm not that hardcore, but I would fight to keep my guns. But as far as I'm concerned its more of a band aid over America's pressing problems. Poverty rates, our school system, drugs, under funded public programs, under funded police forces. Fix most of these and turn the youth away from gun violence and watch our homicide rates fall.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
You would be stupid going in for a kill shot. Any human being, ANY human being that isn't hopped up on drugs would stop running if you capped them in the leg. If a bat can do, a bullet can do it. And not to mention you haven't murdered the guy, he's laying there in excruciating pain because you just destroyed his god damn shin bone, He's immobile and he's there for the cops now, instead of letting the man run off and do it again to someone who's more helpless than you, take him down right there and now.

Also it just so happens stabbings, brutal beatings, and downright getting pushed into oncoming steel is more common than some guy robbing you at gun point. That shit is unlikely, It's knife point that you should watch out for, I had it happen to me more than a couple of times.

Also have fun running from thugs who out run the police once a week. That shit is hard. They may not have endurance, but they mostl likely have enough speed to catch you before their shitty tobacco lungs give in. Sometimes you just got to stay and fight with a Weapon.

A trained officer has a 15% chance to hit the right person under stress. Not a specific part, just in general hitting the person.

A civilian that handles the paperwork to get a handgun and takes a weekend class of 2 hours length where they basically just hear an NRA recruitment speech will almost certainly have an even worse chance of hitting a target under stress, let alone small, moving targets like the legs.

Transplant that into the same scenario, you've just been robbed. Your stress is high. Even under the assumption you're trained, you have well under 15% chance to shoot a person in the leg. This also assumes you're thinking clearly enough under the stress to rationalize shooting them in the leg rather than the chest. And this also assumes they're still within reasonable range by the time you draw your gun. 20 feet can be covered before a gun can be drawn and fired in the general direction, 40 to 50 feet is the likely distance you'd be shooting at them, assuming they haven't ducked around a corner.

And all that assumes they didn't steal your gun as well.

Quite frankly, the odds don't support any benefit of having a gun when robbed.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Guns and melee weapons are SUPPOSE to be for defense, but people like to use it for offense, I mean a shotgun and a bat is to defend, but like gangs uses those weapons to rob, break into homes, and to kill.

One of my family members were beaten up AND shot in the legs, that is not what it is suppose to be used for. Pretty much bad people will use it for bad purposes

What you are suppose to do with a gun and go for the knee, that will injure them and call the cops, but most people shoots the head or chest, then they shoot them more times, you can be arrested for that
Last edited by Lushsmoke; Aug 9, 2013 at 08:26 PM.
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A weapon is not designed for defense, it's designed for offense. Anything designed to injure or kill somebody is, by definition, an offensive object.

A defensive object is something like a shield or body armor. The design is to mitigate risk and danger.

People did not invent guns as a way to make themselves safer, they invented them as a way to make everyone they didn't like less safe.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games