Re: Final goodbye
Originally Posted by javagamer
Originally Posted by Hamster
B-Rad is an awesome dude, and I've had some... issues with javagamer being an insufferable prick, but yeah, let's keep Torigod centralized mmkay?

I would like to inquire as to the meaning of the above statement.

I only based the comment over past experiences with you in-game, and things I had heard from other players.
Pope of BnW[Torigod]Lord of WibblesYouTubeToriblog AdminInterface Artist
(,,゚Д゚) -"Become a fan. DO IT."

Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

Re: Final goodbye
What experiences and other players? I can't remember I rude thing I have said.
Though I know some people do get annoyed by the higher-level vocabulary I tend utilize in-game.
Re: Final goodbye
The words I use are not picked at random and fit into the sentences. I understand that some people perfer to use very short words and acronyms.
Re: Final goodbye
Yeah, i hate when people try to act like they are better then everyone, when they do that, they become worse then everyone..its like walking up tosomeone and says that they are like 10x smarter then them and acting like they arent worth their time..

Oh and, im sure that i remember you being a bitch ingame.. so don't try to lie about it.

P.S.: i miss Abbadon


Re: Final goodbye
Goodbye abb, but I agree with veb, you will return , you can't quit now!!!! There must have a little time to play tb.

And veb, this avatar of yours make me hungry :P
In my country pringles are way to expensive.
Re: Final goodbye
Originally Posted by Ishi
Yeah, i hate when people try to act like they are better then everyone, when they do that, they become worse then everyone..its like walking up tosomeone and says that they are like 10x smarter then them and acting like they arent worth their time..

Oh and, im sure that i remember you being a bitch ingame.. so don't try to lie about it.

P.S.: i miss Abbadon

I dunno, you guys seem to think we say "WERE SO MUCH BETTER AND SMARTER THAN YOU LOSERS!" I have no idea where you get the intention that we say anything near this. All we do is tend to use more complex words and not seem so casual about speaking. Like, instead of saying "I lost" we say "I have failed to achieve victory". Why you think we are a bunch of smartass,bragging, bitches is unknown to me.

Why am I defending him? Because A. He is my friend B. He's done nothing wrong and C. I do the same thing he does.

I still have absolutely no idea why you people are picking on him when he has done nothing wrong. Juntalis, he knows the words he uses. Trust me. You people are just flaming without any really solid reason.

Maybe it's just a simple misconception, but I know javagamer better than any of you (except plasm) and I know he's not a bitch. It is really immature to call someone a douchebag or a bitch because they can talk like a genius. I'm sure that is what all of you are doing. So stop.
All knowing
Re: Final goodbye
That would be true except you state absolutely no reason for calling me one. So this is flaming and it is spam
All knowing