Don't feel sad if you don't get in, if you get better someday, try again, and make a better app if you have improved. Or, you can try some of the other unofficial clans out there, maybe they'll accept you.

For now, its a solid no from me.
Heart of Gold
Originally Posted by MrMaselko View Post
I am not sad, joining clan isn't my priority.

Practise some more, gain that experience and try again next time.
Also try to make your application longer.

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Hello, well, my first name is Gehrig. I am from the United States. Ohio, to be exact. I enjoy drawing Anime like drawings in my free time. Plus, I play the French Horn in my Symphonic band in class. I am also a grammar Nazi at times. Sorry :P

I guess what makes me a monk, is that I try not to let my emotions get to me. I settle them by myself, but try to keep my cool in front of other people. Also, I like to stay calm and collected. Not too crazy, but not too boring.

My time zone is EST -5 (Hope that has no effect)

I have been in a couple clans. I have been in Kira and Crucify.

What I can bring to this clan is to help in wars, help people train, and give advice to people who need it.

I only have one replay, so that will most likely get this rejected. And I am not even sure if it will load. I hope so.

Ok first of all your app is average but not to much effort put on to it, And second of all i don't think you are active at the forums. But we will see your ingame skills, So in all perspective it's a neutral from me
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Hello, well, my first name is Gehrig. I am from the United States. Ohio, to be exact. I enjoy drawing Anime like drawings in my free time. Plus, I play the French Horn in my Symphonic band in class. I am also a grammar Nazi at times. Sorry :P

I guess what makes me a monk, is that I try not to let my emotions get to me. I settle them by myself, but try to keep my cool in front of other people. Also, I like to stay calm and collected. Not too crazy, but not too boring.

My time zone is EST -5 (Hope that has no effect)

I have been in a couple clans. I have been in Kira and Crucify.

What I can bring to this clan is to help in wars, help people train, and give advice to people who need it.

I only have one replay, so that will most likely get this rejected. And I am not even sure if it will load. I hope so.

Semi-Pro Counter Strike Player.

Application by WeooWeoo

I'd like to see more replays and I want to know what makes you stand out from the other applicants

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by tobreak View Post
Ok first of all your app is average but not to much effort put on to it, And second of all i don't think you are active at the forums. But we will see your ingame skills, So in all perspective it's a neutral from me

Well.. I think if he have a forum-active clan, he would be active ;) found this by searching his posts:
Hello, I have a question for the Horde Leader Eatoon, is Horde a very Forum Active Clan? Because right now, I am currently a co-leader of Soul (former Kira) and they're not very Forum Active. I enjoy checking the Forums and chatting with members in the threads while I'm at school and at home, and it just bums me out that they're not forum active anymore.

I actually meant "how do you differ from other people who apply to monk). I like your post lengths though. You explain it quite well. What ate you good at in toribash outside of multiplayer. Do you make art, replays?

i am a bird now - Lil B

Okay, I have made my choice and I say yes. I believe that we could use him (after he went through the heremit phase) to host ingame events such as betting servers and recruitments
Last edited by TimmyboyG; Jan 21, 2015 at 02:28 PM.

i am a bird now - Lil B