Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Honorable Grand Dragon, presiding over Sunday BBQ
Lmao I've never heard of a non-murderous prison gang.

Can't believe you decided to reply to one sentence only again - and again we see you have the most stupid argument; "omg AB kill people!" No shit sherlock, you think the Bloods, Crips and La Eme are angels?

Yes, I agree. It is incredibly obvious that the AB kill people. I think you put it best, in a respectful tone that you later note I am failing to appropriately match: "No shit sherlock, (sic)"

But there were some people in this thread, naming no names, who described them as more of a weekend brunch group, so they needed this painfully obvious truth explained to them.

While most other prison gangs are racially based as a result of the long standing establishment of racially differentiated prisons, the Aryan Brotherhood stands out as a gang that was formed on and operates on the premise of racial supremacy, borrowed directly from Nazi ideology, hence the eponymous "Aryan".

Originally Posted by Hyde
Have you ever been to an Aryan Brotherhood potluck Boredpayne? Those guys condemn violence against non-Aryans all the time. Is it their fault that there are extremists out there tarnishing their good name with violence? Pshhhhh...

The racist suburbanite murderous neighborly Aryan Brotherhood luncheon!
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Hey look more than two lines.
Around 50% of hate crimes are not due to racial prejudice. So don't analyse that statistic to see who commits the most hate crime against each other. and the statistic is interpretable both ways as you two have demonstrated. I wrote this yesterday.

Long bad maths segment.

but thought that it wouldn't be worth posting since you would probably just focus on the more useful statistic for this.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Around 50% of hate crimes are not due to racial prejudice. So don't analyse that statistic to see who commits the most hate crime against each other. and the statistic is interpretable both ways as you two have demonstrated. I wrote this yesterday.

Long bad maths segment.

but thought that it wouldn't be worth posting since you would probably just focus on the more useful statistic for this.

You can't compare the raw statistics because there are 6x as many whites as blacks. You should always adjust it for the proportional ratios, otherwise it's pointless. 85 vs 66 and 17 vs 22 is very significant, which is why I adjusted for population.

We were already looking at the stats for racial hate crimes by the way.

Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Yes, I agree. It is incredibly obvious that the AB kill people. I think you put it best, in a respectful tone that you later note I am failing to appropriately match: "No shit sherlock, (sic)"

Are you really trivializing your own argument? Doesn't seem like a very smart idea, but whatever, I'll accept it.

Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
But there were some people in this thread, naming no names, who described them as more of a weekend brunch group, so they needed this painfully obvious truth explained to them.

While most other prison gangs are racially based as a result of the long standing establishment of racially differentiated prisons, the Aryan Brotherhood stands out as a gang that was formed on and operates on the premise of racial supremacy, borrowed directly from Nazi ideology, hence the eponymous "Aryan".

Prisons are not racially segregated, they segregated based on gang affiliation, but since all prison gangs are EXTREMELY racist, if you look at it with absolutely no idea what is going on, then you might think they are by race.

The nazis are not the only racists in the world. Stop with the "only whites can be racist, racism against whites doesn't exist" arguments.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Pig, the statistics in the links you provided are based on percentages, and don't need to be adjusted for the proportion of races. We know that blacks receive 66% of hate crimes while only making up 13% of the population. 'Nuff said.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Pig, the statistics in the links you provided are based on percentages, and don't need to be adjusted for the proportion of races. We know that blacks receive 66% of hate crimes while only making up 13% of the population. 'Nuff said.

What? I'll try explain this as simply as I can, tell me exactly where you get stuck instead of just saying "no but they are percents".

As I said before, there are 86.8% non-blacks. Crimes are committed by the perpetrator, not by the victim.

If 10 people commit 5 crimes, we would expect 20 people to commit 10. This is called a proportional relationship. We can see that since there is an 86.8% population committing against blacks 66% of hate crimes, this is a ratio of 1:0.76, right? Compare that to 22.3% of the population committing 22% of hate crimes, which is 1:0.98. Naturally I don't have to tell you that 0.98 is 28% bigger than 0.76.

That means non-whites are nearly 30% more likely to commit hate crimes against whites than non-blacks are to commit hate crimes against blacks.

If you just take the raw percentages without any consideration for context you are going to come up with some really bizarre conclusions.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by Honorable Grand Dragon View Post

Prisons are not racially segregated, they segregated based on gang affiliation, but since all prison gangs are EXTREMELY racist, if you look at it with absolutely no idea what is going on, then you might think they are by race.

When I talk about the racially segregated public institutions of the United States, I'm talking of the past. You know, Plessy v Ferguson, Jim Crow laws? Brown v Board of education? It's all very, very famous?

Look anyway the point you're majestically failing to grasp is that the the origins of racial makeup of American prisons and gangs can be traced through history, and the Aryan Brotherhood and similar white nationalist organizations are uniquely founded and operated on a premise of racial superiority.
Originally Posted by lol
The nazis are not the only racists in the world. Stop with the "only whites can be racist, racism against whites doesn't exist" arguments.

Well see I tried to talk about all the various racist bodies in the US, but someone felt it necessary to jump in and defend them as ordinary folk hosting a backyard cook-off.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Mar 15, 2015 at 07:54 PM. Reason: wait I forgot his title
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Hey look more than two lines.
There is no race, "race" is just an illusion that separates us humans.
Before I start, yes I know I'm American(half american*)

Yes, I agree some Americans are very racist.
This is the racism in America in a nutshell

Blacks: Gang Violence
Hispanic: Illegal Immigration (funny because they're the original Immigrants)
Arab: Terrorism (I've experienced this kind of racism because I am Muslim)
Originally Posted by Hachem24 View Post
There is no race, "race" is just an illusion that separates us humans.
Before I start, yes I know I'm American(half american*)

Yes, I agree some Americans are very racist.
This is the racism in America in a nutshell

Blacks: Gang Violence
Hispanic: Illegal Immigration (funny because they're the original Immigrants)
Arab: Terrorism (I've experienced this kind of racism because I am Muslim)

Please. Explain to me how race is a illusion? Race is another factor that makes humans different. And we will continue to discriminate against one each other as long as these differences exist.
Now. As for the question. How racist are Americans? It honestly depends. In the news, you constantly hear about white against black crime. And they always bring up race. But is it always about race? No. That's ridiculous.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
When I talk about the racially segregated public institutions of the United States, I'm talking of the past. You know, Plessy v Ferguson, Jim Crow laws? Brown v Board of education? It's all very, very famous?

You specifically said "prison". Since "prison" and "public institutions" use different words, naturally I don't have to convince you that they are different things.

I see you are agreeing with me now, that's great.

Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Look anyway the point you're majestically failing to grasp is that the the origins of racial makeup of American prisons and gangs can be traced through history, and the Aryan Brotherhood and similar white nationalist organizations are uniquely founded and operated on a premise of racial superiority.

What a pointless argument. Racism is racism regardless as to how the organisation was founded. The idea that only AB/etc can be racist because they were founded on racism is utterly absurd.

I don't know why you would even try to make such a pointless argument, are you playing devil's advocate or something? If so you should try a little harder.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by Honorable Grand Dragon
Since "prison" and "public institutions" use different words, naturally I don't have to convince you that they are different things.

Originally Posted by Honorable Grand Dragon
Since "prison" and "public institutions" use different words,

Originally Posted by Honorable Grand Dragon
use different words

You...you know that different words can refer to the same thing, ri-right?
It uh, oh man, wow, I have to explain this, it isn't wrong to describe prisons as historically public institutions. It's the opposite of wrong, even. It's actually necessary and helpful to do so to frame them within the appropriate historical context of American law.
Originally Posted by Honorable Grand Dragon
What a pointless argument. Racism is racism regardless as to how the organisation was founded. The idea that only AB/etc can be racist because they were founded on racism is utterly absurd.

And I also think the idea that only the Brotherhood can be racist is utterly absurd, but that's totally missing the point...again.
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Hey look more than two lines.