Originally Posted by Velair View Post
nice job being another white male conforming to a generalization.

as a black male who lives in Essex County , NJ (and the 3rd worse city in the state as a whole) I believe the "hood mentality" is not really what it seems.
I'm around drug dealers and gang members constantly, and it seems like they all want to get out the hood, but get sucked into the "game". Nate you already know how i feel with generalizations like these.

@XTERMIX : Everyone in my city went to school / is going to school, and how are we supposed to feel if everytime we turn on the news some innocent black male gets shot for being human and being afraid, and what..?
These hoods and ghettos ARE developing countries. We didn't have shit to start with.

You seem eager to jump to conclusions. I am not some rich elitist playboy.
But comparing these so called ghettos to say, the Mogadishu suburbs, you may find the situation in the ghettos, trivial.
Ive been living in Mogadishu for the past three years, and it has not been too safe here really. people here may be struck by war and poverty, but unlike the american ghettos, people here seem to want to get educated and rebuild their country from a 21 year old civil war which most of the kids here had to grow up in. they do not want to resort to criminality, nor do are they hustlin through. they want to become (most of em) functional parts of society.
Don't talk about something you don't know, who says they don't want to rebuild, ive seen countless numbers of celebrities that came from me area come and build education centers, gyms. Why are people only focusing on the gang members and drug dealers that is not the definition of the ghetto, there are regular people there that don't do anything that live the middle way.
Originally Posted by AntiPeople View Post
Being a white guy who spent the first 15 years of his life just on the border of Camden, NJ, I'd guess that the poverty in the ghetto neighborhoods drives people to do whatever they can to survive. Some steal, some murder, some drug deal. Anything that can provide for themselves and their family. Some just cope with the stress all around them by doing drugs, and then their children grow up to do drugs in times of stress, then their children's children do so, and so on and so on.

well take Lindenwold (also in NJ) for example. You should know of this small town since you most likely live near it. This town that I live in is Almost literally in BETWEEN high class towns of Washington TwnShp and HaddenHights/Field/Town and the low Slums Like Camden, Philly and such. So here there is almost a Line where the poverty begins and transacts from the Middle/High class areas (I thankfully live on the Middle class side) So I see both sides of the fence. And here it takes its toll on people of both sides. The poor are tired of being poor and try to survive by making some "wrong decisions" and this in turn Upsets the Community of High class people who are worried for their lives, safety, and children. Its like a Game of tug-of-war. and its not fun. especially if you know the truth about how Americas wealth works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM

^that is what REALLY happens. and its why we have so many gettos in every city, town, and state. THATS just America the rest of the world is even worse off.

Really That is only part of the problem because as many of you said not everyone is *ahem* "doing it for the fam" there may be something linked with Murder/crime rates (that have no substantial reasoning) and Living in the getto.
Last edited by Fates; Jun 29, 2015 at 09:54 PM.
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Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Yeah lol they want to get out of the hood so much that they join gangs and become drug dealers.

Please explain that one to me mate. How exactly does acting like a walking-talking stereotype help you get out of the hood

Might be late but the reason people become drug dealers and join gangs is because it's simply a means of survival. You sell drugs to make money because it's easy and effective, and there's just not as much money for the kids that legitimately try to keep themselves straight. People need money to survive. Sometimes people become drug dealers because their mothers are sick or maybe their mothers are a prostitute, and they need to pay for their medication or STD medication. . Your father could be addicted to cocaine. Maybe he's just flat out not around to help raise you and your siblings. He could be an abusive alcoholic. Maybe they owe a lot of debt that just cannot be paid of in conventional ways. People in the hood join gangs because if you live in the hood and walk around without people behind your back supporting you, literally and figuratively, you will be eaten alive. These situations are more common than you would assume. Teenagers often sell drugs and join gangs because they want to make money and survive long enough to go to college. Have a better life for their children. Sadly an exemplary family is a less common in the hood than in rich white neighborhoods and towns. Kids aren't given cars once they turn 16 nearly as often. Their parents don't have money for them to go to college nearly as often. Often times these kids lack the absolutely necessary support from their parental figures and they join gangs to get a sense of support.

I myself am white but this isn't just a situation of skin color, no, this is a situation of an environment that is just so much harder to survive and succeed in. I grew up in one of these envirements. One of the worst cities in MI. Lucky I had a parent that was fortunate enough to move.

It's tougher than you can imagine simply because I'm assuming you haven't been in these situations before. These situations are life and death, you have to provide for other people half the time and you have to provide for yourself. That's not ANYWHERE near as easy in the hood. Your lack of understanding about this subject means that you should stay away from it. Not stick your nose and subjective opinions into something that you just flat out cannot relate to. I apologize if this was offensive but I myself have grown to have a lot of respect for people that have to grow up in the hood simply because of how difficult it is. I also have respect for those who do survive and remain pure and kind hearted, because that's nearly god damn impossible.

In the streets of sharks you do not survive as a fish. You adapt and mold to your surroundings to become a shark and get by simply because a majority of the time you have to. You do what you have to do to survive and that's that. I doubt you would. Its hard.
Last edited by Aracoon; Jun 30, 2015 at 10:50 PM.
When everyone acts like ghettos are the worst place in the world it just gives the people who live there and excuse to misbehave, and all the media attention ghettos get are from dipshit rappers so that just makes it worse.

It's really not that fuckin bad jesus people are just bored and make stupid choices.

And it really doesn't help anyone that people are always fighting with police I mean really they do try to help.
Yep, everything bad about the ghetto is from people being bored and no other reason. Good job raaage, you successfully solved the mystery.
Thanks for the tc shockey, I'll never f o r g e t you shockey-sama
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
When everyone acts like ghettos are the worst place in the world it just gives the people who live there and excuse to misbehave, and all the media attention ghettos get are from dipshit rappers so that just makes it worse.

It's really not that fuckin bad jesus people are just bored and make stupid choices.

And it really doesn't help anyone that people are always fighting with police I mean really they do try to help.

You sound like a retarded pleb.
Ele Moderated Message:
Don't call people 'retarded plebs'.

No one misbehaves in the ghettos. If you had read what aracoon said, you'd realize in the ghetto, it isn't misbehaving it's getting by.

and it really is that bad, you ever been shot at going to the store? You ever been robbed of the phone your dad had to work hard for? You ever wore the same clothes 5 days in a row?

and maybe if police didn't automatically assume because im brown i have 3 guns and 11lbs of some drug on me we wouldn't have to fight them.

and from your post i know you're probably a white boy, with a dad and mom in the house, and get most if not everything you want, when you want.
Last edited by Ele; Jul 2, 2015 at 07:08 PM.
damn im gettin old
The problem is that people are shooting at people going to stores and stealing other people's hard earned phones. Shooting at ransomers is not a way to get by, so the fact people still do it means this goes beyond your explanation and they are genuinely misbehaving (unless the targeting is no way near as random as you implied in which case fair enough).
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Velair View Post
You sound like a retarded pleb.
Ele Moderated Message:
Don't call people 'retarded plebs'.

No one misbehaves in the ghettos. If you had read what aracoon said, you'd realize in the ghetto, it isn't misbehaving it's getting by.

and it really is that bad, you ever been shot at going to the store? You ever been robbed of the phone your dad had to work hard for? You ever wore the same clothes 5 days in a row?

and maybe if police didn't automatically assume because im brown i have 3 guns and 11lbs of some drug on me we wouldn't have to fight them.

and from your post i know you're probably a white boy, with a dad and mom in the house, and get most if not everything you want, when you want.

Do you understand that your mentality that "crime is OK if it helps me out" or "it's ok to fight cops because I'm black" puts you at odds with the rest of civilization? Civilization works because people follow the law, unfortunately people like you think it's OK to misbehave, hell you even justify it as "just getting by".

Do you know what poor people do in other countries (and non-black poor people in the US for that matter)? They follow the law.

You want people not to assume you are a criminal, yet you condone and justify criminal behaviour? Do you know how backwards that is? You should unconditionally oppose crime, and oppose anyone who commits or justifies crime.

You know what happens if everyone commits crime at their leisure? Well just look at the hood, astronomical crime rate...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
He never said it was OK, no one here ever said that it was OK. He's telling you that it's what they do to survive, yet your skull is so thick that it can't seem to get pounded deep enough in there for you to realize it. Every post you have in this thread has you adding something onto it that the user you're arguing with never said or agreed with.
Thanks for the tc shockey, I'll never f o r g e t you shockey-sama