Why are you yelling?
<Diamond> I gotta say I think you're wonderful, stay that way. Or be more wonderful if you wish.
WE MUST, you ran off too soon. I was going to war with you, ended up dueling instead kek.
<Diamond> I gotta say I think you're wonderful, stay that way. Or be more wonderful if you wish.
and meeting my ass in game for the first time in generations, I'm literally in bed crook as fuck hopefully the missus didn't give me any infections or I'll be angrier than a crack fiend with a missed payday.

I'm liking how the family is coming along, doing a bloody good job J <3 ;)
Liquor saved my life but it didn't save my wife

Mate I wish you the swiftest recovery. Some nights just have to be lived tho! Dw you will recoup my man, just had a smack down as we all should.

We keepin it fly, stone cold killers be living here.
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits
Long live decap
<Diamond> I gotta say I think you're wonderful, stay that way. Or be more wonderful if you wish.