does this have any place for discussing applications n stuff or do we just open the floodgates for applicants
Bit from colum A bit from colum B?
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits
Originally Posted by AussieCunt View Post
Ill help you get there friend ;) you can wear some of my spares until you sort yourself out if you really like. Just don't be like the last guy and sell them doe ;p

Added you to the member ranks, hope to see you ingame sometime.

Quotin' you here to avoid cluttering the recruitment thread!

Heh, thanks! Tis all good though. I managed to get some texture set with $$ usage, now just need a set, some void force, pure relax and I'm all good to go. XD

On another note, what is the price of a 512x512 ground texture?

I'm ingame very frequently. In 3 hours from now, I will be off work and likely ingame.
平和 Peace and 戦争 war are abstract concepts.
Because 男性 men always seek 闘争 strife.
Almost 10 years, eh? Cheers!

Well, I'd love to but I'm quite sure that it requires 10th dan, doesn't it?
平和 Peace and 戦争 war are abstract concepts.
Because 男性 men always seek 闘争 strife.
Originally Posted by fallu View Post
does this have any place for discussing applications n stuff or do we just open the floodgates for applicants

I mean we do have a private channel on the discord. Or for the parrot members we have a thread for it in the private board

Hi, clan staff have discussed this at length and we've concluded that allowing sub clans, feeder clans or any variety of multiple-clan or ownership isn't gonna fly.

As such, Parakeet isn't going to be allowed to live.

You can read about the rationale behind this decision in the announcement posted in Clan Setup and Guidelines.

This concept was not discussed properly with clan staff and impressions given to myself and duck were misleading and/or incomplete. While this isn't really an excuse on our end since we should have jumped into your discussion sooner and stuck with it instead of waiting for you to tell us what you were planning, launching something like this without a confirmed go-ahead after a review of a real prop and intention means this clan has to be shut down after just launching, sorry.