Originally Posted by deoxer View Post
I understand punishing for bug exploits, but was it really necessary to sink all his TC, which took god knows how long to make, over a unknown bug which didnt really harm anyone.

If you are banned you are not supposed to send tc or items (regardless of the amount of tc or how long it took to get). Swaves used an exploit to do such a thing. Respectfully, you may have a misunderstanding of what has happened.
Last edited by wizard; Jun 14, 2022 at 05:15 PM.


Originally Posted by wizard View Post
If you are banned you are not supposed to send tc or items (regardless of the amount of tc or how long it took to get). Swaves used an exploit to do such a thing. Respectfully, you may have a misunderstanding of what has happened.

Is this an official response of the toribash staff or is this your personal opinion?

I'd just like to make sure
For clarification, I’ll elaborate a little further on my post:

I have noticed a few people here saying similar things to what Deoxer has posted. It seems to me that some may have a misunderstanding of how tc is handled for banned accounts. When accounts are banned, they are not (or rather: physically should be unable to) transfer tc and items. My post basically explains that since swaves seems to have exploited an overlooked function in order to transfer tc from banned accounts, the tc was subject to sinking. Exploits are not limited to bugs in code, and include using tools available (either internal or external) in order to bypass restrictions of a ban in this case.

This is my own interpretation as staff, but please do know that anyone is welcome to correct me or add to what I am explaining.

If you still have questions, feel free to reach out.


i would like to preface this by stating that swaves is 1 of my favorite people in this game, someone ive gotten really personal with, and someone who has been a good friend of mine for many years. that being said, i have no idea why he thought he could just casually get away with using an exploit to transfer 1000 dollars worth of tc from a banned account to his main. its still a cool record and all but man, i cant defend this. if anything this is like the one time where i feel like he actually deserved the ban. this whole situation is ridiculous and i cant even believe im getting to witness this.

Originally Posted by Felnin View Post
We've completly twisted this game. People put value into useless stuff, like replay making and completly forget about competitive. Competitive players are the most active players this game will ever get. Competitive players are the most skilled players, that constantly pratice their skills in order to keep growing for ever.

felnin you being horrible at replaymaking doesnt make it less valid.
i'd argue having fun on a game you enjoy is a lot more valid than gambling and throwing all of your money away relentlessly.
you can't even begin to try and compare someone like flash with someone like diamond because they simply do different things, attempting to do so is stupid to say the least. i honestly have no idea where this kind of thought even comes from, ive never seen a dueler make an acceptable replay, so how can you act like duelers are just SUPERIOR? i know this isnt your main point but god was it fucking stupid, hard to not say anything about it.
Last edited by iris; Jun 14, 2022 at 06:50 PM. Reason: clarification
fimmy toribsah discorD DECAPgo be on fire somewhere elseₜₕₑ fᵢᵣetck listener
Originally Posted by wizard View Post
If you are banned you are not supposed to send tc or items (regardless of the amount of tc or how long it took to get). Swaves used an exploit to do such a thing. Respectfully, you may have a misunderstanding of what has happened.

The more rational decision probably would have been to send the tc taken from his main account back and fix the bug rendering him completely unable to use the exploit again.

But to permaban and sink the rest of his tc that he earned through LEGITIMATE methods?

Little extreme, don't you think? This isn't me as a friend of Swaves speaking I am purely looking at this through a neutral lens.

Was it dueler bias? Was it sir's personal bias (this isnt his first rodeo with this particular user)? More importantly, was it necessary?

edit: nevermind, i thought about it a little longer than a minute which is how long i usually think about things. this is just an unfortunate L. rip
Last edited by skizz; Jun 14, 2022 at 07:29 PM.
Originally Posted by GHOSTFACEKILLAH View Post
I doubt that this will do anything to change sir's opinion in regards to his ban but what Felnin said about pro players is true.

In fact, I'm not even sure why we stick around lol. How many years have we had Clan League and World Championships and everyone is just okay with using the same outdated mods that you could argue are not competitive whatsoever? We've all seen what the "optimal" playstyles in each of these mods are.

People love to complain about how all duelers do is hit and run or how we like to pointhold and shovel and camp, etc. No one seems to realize that it's not the duelers' fault. It's staff's for not caring at all about the competitive integrity of the game and won't bother to change any of the mods.

This is especially true since now in the next season of ranked they finally decided to change lenshu to winpoint lenshu and all it took was a dueler staff member. Surprise, surprise.

I've been saying the same shit for years. The usual counterargument is that it was never meant to be a competitive game in the first place and that it's just a singleplayer sandbox. Oh really? Why even have an annual tournament then? Why have a duel feature in the game? This entire community and it's staff love to shit on duelers because we have a few bad apples and you know what? It's us against the world now.

There certainly have been negative comments made towards competitive TB players throughout the years, that's undebatable. However, as it is right now, no staff harbor any actual negativity toward any outlets for players to enjoy themselves. There's definitely been a lack of competitive events or any meta-shifting adjustments to mods. I've always been a dueler friendly staff member and as someone who duels themselves, I'd love to see the dueling community flourish. I've brought up conversations in the past regarding competitive mods and if the community (and ES) think there's anything that can be done to adjust mods slightly, or majorly, to make people play differently and make it more of a skill contest. The current rotation of competitive mods isn't perfect, but IMO they're not far from perfect.

People in this thread, and in other places are upset that staff hasn't done anything to shift metas of competitive mods. Toribash has always been a community driven game. The main 5-6 mods weren't made by staff and staff had no involvement. [Fl0w] on it's own made the adjustments they saw fit to Lenshu. They also made adjustments to Boxshu. LesDuncan in his vision made adjustments to ABD. Staff would never willingly shut down any ideas players have to better the game. I made the community outreach thread in hopes of it being used frequently, for players to mention any gripes they have. I'd like to move this discussion there, but I have no issue continuing the discussion here either seeing as you're all actively typing here.

Originally Posted by GHOSTFACEKILLAH View Post
There's no narrative. Try presenting changes to the current mods that would make them more competitive and have staff say "nah we're too scared to change anything because the duelers said mean words" or instead of thinking critically they go and add breakable grabs which made the mods even less competitive. Then you'll understand what I'm talking about.

We're actually really nice guys.

This is what I tried to bring a discussion about in CO thread and staff have done this throughout the years by hosting in different mods, making new mods. The community response to that has been poor, often criticized, etc, but that's beside the point. I would really love there to be some discussion regarding this as a dueler that has gotten tired of current metas and is an amazing player in most of the main mods. It's almost impossible to introduce a new mod/meta/adjustment to you guys, without you actually liking it and wanting it.

About Swaves: Possibly the worst player this game has ever had. Chances he's had in the past is about 10 or 20, no one in Toribash history has been infracted as much. Swaves knows what he's doing, he knows how it's wrong, but he does it for fun. Now, he's no longer welcome in this community. Any further posts about Swaves will be infracted and deleted.
pm me your questions or applications


dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Originally Posted by bart View Post
As good as you are, I don't understand why you live in a world where you think this video game is built for the singular purpose of making money off dueling. You speak as if dueling is the only game mode that should exist and anyone who does not willingly partake in dueling is inferior to you.

this is actually the funniest thing abt toribash, ive never seen something like this in any other videogame community, regardless of how competitive the game is
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
Originally Posted by Ancient View Post

People in this thread, and in other places are upset that staff hasn't done anything to shift metas of competitive mods. Toribash has always been a community driven game. The main 5-6 mods weren't made by staff and staff had no involvement. [Fl0w] on it's own made the adjustments they saw fit to Lenshu. They also made adjustments to Boxshu. LesDuncan in his vision made adjustments to ABD. Staff would never willingly shut down any ideas players have to better the game. I made the community outreach thread in hopes of it being used frequently, for players to mention any gripes they have. I'd like to move this discussion there, but I have no issue continuing the discussion here either seeing as you're all actively typing here.

From the perspective of a player who has dabbled in competitive play, and won the event in which the discussed mod was used, only losing 2-3 games throughout the event, in my opinion the mod would not be viable due to the fact that it doesn't inherently fix any issues proposed in the original mod (amongst the comp community), and instead focuses on shifting the "typical" strategy of the mod.

Instead of trying to get more points than your opponent and running, the most optimal strategy was to run while being down in points because the rules favored it (if a player did not win by points, the match was not counted). It didn't fix many issues, it simply shifted the main one into "run when you are down in points".
Last edited by fred; Jun 14, 2022 at 08:42 PM.
Ancient: at this point in time it might be better to separate duelers from competitive players. let me explain why. the interests of duelers and competitive players do not align. for example, think of Kane as a competitive player and not a dueler. he fits right into that category im sure you would agree.

i'm not sure what the landscape is nowadays, but when i dueled a couple years ago i noticed all (thats right, ALL) duelers relied on scummy tactics such as duel trapping, hit and run, shovelling, camping, etc. and the amount of games played per player in a duel was strictly dictated by how much tc either of them had.

if a player had more tc, they have a significant advantage (obviously, right?). having more tc allows you to reduce the amount of games the other person could play against you. let's say i had 700k tc and my opponent has 200k tc. i set duelmode to 100k. if they don't want to play at that rate, i could just pull out. good luck finding someone else to duel! how are people supposed to improve their skills with this?

this contributes to about 10% of players quitting give or take. this is mostly why people see duelers as a bunch of greedy, intolerable mfs.

if the mods in clan league and world championship weren't DUELER mods, but COMPETITIVE mods instead, we'd have a healthier environment for proper competition in this game.

fl0w's version of lenshu and boxshu are competitive mods. current lenshu and boxshu? i know you're known for being good at boxshu but let's face it, they are dueler mods. let's start promoting fair play. let's start promoting a solid, competitive environment and it all starts with hopefully next ranked season.

I have full faith that you can do it because you're a dueler yourself.
Last edited by skizz; Jun 14, 2022 at 08:31 PM.
Originally Posted by Arctic View Post
this is actually the funniest thing abt toribash, ive never seen something like this in any other videogame community, regardless of how competitive the game is

i think it's the "taking real money out of your opponent's pocket" element that makes it that way lol
at this point, a large percentage of high volume duelers are no longer just dueling for virtual credits, they're dueling for usd or buying tc with real money to duel it away

anyways speaking of other competitive games
not even high level chess players are this arrogant about the game the play (arguably the most competitive game ever played throughout all of human history)
and u would be very foolish to compare toribash dueling to chess (not going to say any names ...)

i know for dam sure felnin has been dueling for YEARS longer than rajen, yet he still holds this sentiment that toribash is somehow a good competitive game lol

imagine u train at literally ANY ACTIVITY U COULD POSSIBLY THINK OF for 10 years to get outperformed by someone who's been doing the same thing u have for only like 3 years lmfao
that's why i said the high skill floor is often confused for a high skill ceiling, once u understand why ur doing what ur doing in this game it's practically just flipping a coin
also before the wrong ppl think i'm targeting them, i have no problem with there being competitive play and i think it's perfectly fine

some of the duelers just seem to be straight up addicted 2 this shit lol

double also ty for just editing my screenshot instead of removing my post icky
Last edited by Demon; Jun 14, 2022 at 08:53 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump