Originally Posted by KlausSchwab View Post
Lets let a group of teenagers manage a game while Hampa lets the game run on auto-pilot, what could possibly go wrong ?? Its like lord of the flies

That is a great book and I suggest everyone else to read it sometime. A classic.
<a href= target=_blank></a>
Dargon Moderated Message:
Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.

Originally Posted by basic View Post
is that an nft

I am actually all for TC being a real cryptocurrency, it would put the game on an interesting level. it would however require the powers that b to give a shit about maintaining a real playerbase.
Originally Posted by Kozmonaut View Post
I ate the fattest bowl of cereal while reading this and almost choked and died

in the time you ate the cereal this was the best meme you could come up with
Originally Posted by Mist View Post
That's all false information *grrr*

all opinion but I think it's pretty tame and is advice that I haven't seen given in the years I've lurked the forums.
Originally Posted by skizz View Post

I think the lack of moderation allows this type of responses these days. I think there are some topics and offences have more pressure applied to it than others. especially on the forums. damn near every sub forum is wibbles
Originally Posted by KlausSchwab View Post
Lets let a group of teenagers manage a game while Hampa lets the game run on auto-pilot, what could possibly go wrong ?? Its like lord of the flies

agree, that's an issue; but it's actually not their fault. it's like if I expect my 12 y/o nephew to know how to drive and maintain my brand new bmw comp. it's my fault giving him that responsibility for my stuff, I can't expect him to do it on the level necessary with no guidance.
Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
Everything you've said is relevant but what you've said here is most relevant to me - I don't play anymore because 99% of the games that I've played in the past few years are near identical. New players/duellers use the exact same moves each game leading to no innovation or desire to do niche moves in a game that was made for it, hence boredom and no meaning. I understand every now and then that people are chillin' and brainlessly playing their game but when it comes to playing against the same players for years that continue to do the same moves, expecting new results becomes kinda redundant. You can try to discuss move sequences mid-game/openers/comeback ideas/basic movement concepts but when you realise you're just talking to brick walls you finally become aware (after a long, long, resentful time) that there's zero point in continuing on in playing the game.

old times were on a whole other level of mindset, that's why wushu was the most popular mod. because you knew that if someone was playing wushu you were going to have a skilled match that could go either way, and if you didn't cb you were straight pussy, and even if u didn't and were still caught, the other player can show off his skills no one would improvise these days if their lives depended on it. the most impro I see done right now is in pub lenshu by randoms, and they are the most fun skill based games I have regularly at this time
Last edited by mWah; Mar 12, 2023 at 03:05 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Originally Posted by mwah View Post
agree, that's an issue; but it's actually not their fault. it's like if I expect my 12 y/o nephew to know how to drive and maintain my brand new bmw comp. it's my fault giving him that responsibility for my stuff, I can't expect him to do it on the level necessary with no guidance.

Yeah so it's Hampas fault essentially....He could have hired people with actual degrees and knowledge to run the game instead of handing it over to 17 year olds who don't even know what they are let alone how to manage a game... And from personal experience I was doxxed, harassed, had personal info leaked, and MUCH worse from the teenage TB staff, it was most likely illegal too.

Originally Posted by mwah View Post
old times were on a whole other level of mindset, that's why wushu was the most popular mod. because you knew that if someone was playing wushu you were going to have a skilled match that could go either way, and if you didn't cb you were straight pussy, and even if u didn't and were still caught, the other player can show off his skills no one would improvise these days if their lives depended on it. the most impro I see done right now is in pub lenshu by randoms, and they are the most fun skill based games I have regularly at this time

Players also weren't as good back then as they are now, the skill cap evolved tremendously over the last 10 years but it has definitely stagnated in the last few years, everyone's been using the same openers in ABD / Lenshu / Boxshu for basically the last 3-5 years or even longer. Like in Lenshu everyone just does variations of contracting both knees and extending pecs, and then crab launches at eachother, I have not seen any evolution of that since it's pretty much the most effective way to play that mod since knees / elbows block damage.
Last edited by KlausSchwab; Mar 12, 2023 at 03:31 AM.
Originally Posted by KlausSchwab View Post
Yeah so it's Hampas fault essentially....He could have hired people with actual degrees and knowledge to run the game instead of handing it over to 17 year olds who don't even know what they are let alone how to manage a game... And from personal experience I was doxxed, harassed, had personal info leaked, and MUCH worse from the teenage TB staff, it was most likely illegal too.

Players also weren't as good back then as they are now, the skill cap evolved tremendously over the last 10 years but it has definitely stagnated in the last few years, everyone's been using the same openers in ABD / Lenshu / Boxshu for basically the last 3-5 years or even longer. Like in Lenshu everyone just does variations of contracting both knees and extending pecs, and then crab launches at eachother, I have not seen any evolution of that since it's pretty much the most effective way to play that mod since knees / elbows block damage.

never experienced it, but there's a bit too much access to information in some individuals that shouldn't have that amount of responsibility, goes back to what we mentioned previously

I'd argue that the top players from 2014-2017 would still be (and still are for the most part) be as dominant as they were then today within 1000 games of a consistent return of play against the high lvl players from 2018-2023. knowing the way a mode works automatically enacts a specific playstyle, but I think actually from 0-0 the mindsett for lenshu is just offense. hit or scrape, and then most choose from there to only defend or run, if you are actually good you can win in lenshu whether you hit 1st or not so I dont think openers matter as much as they do in other modes. the fact that I can win compet games against the top players of now with literally no openers or movememory I think goes to show that the knowledge of the game supercedes most openers unless they have above 75% w/r.

top players from that time like ticux I think would have no problem dominating anyone today with a proper return to the game

the players of today are emulating the top duelers of yesterday by using the exact same openers in each respective mod, but the duelers of yesterday were influenced by the wushu players that improvised to give some of the basic tactics of today. regular players are playing every game like the meta as if it was a duel instead of using their creativity to design moves that might even counter those meta moves. creativity is just dead rn
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Originally Posted by mwah View Post
top players from that time like ticux I think would have no problem dominating anyone today with a proper return to the gamen

I think that's just nostalgia, the only players I can think of that would still dominate would be iTemp or Diamond, and nobody else really comes close even now. If you look at the UFC you'll see each generation of fighters is better than the last generation, compare the fighters of 1999 to 2023 and you'll see a complete difference in skill and it's similar with Toribash, and you'll also see standouts with high IQ such as George St Pierre, Jon Jones, or Khabib, who were atleast 1-2 generations ahead of everyone else, which i'd compare to Diamond toribash-wise, personally. and the duelers of 2023 have learned all the openers, tricks, and strategies of previous good players and made it their own, and I'd argue the 2023 duelers (which is very few) such as boost, nerdik would give older players like Ticux a hard run for their money, but Diamond / iTemp would still smoke them. I have even personally played Killer3366 and although he was good in lenshu with a unique style, and out of his prime, he still got smoked, same with Ticux in ABD for Alpha CL prep.
Originally Posted by Enclave View Post
That is a great book and I suggest everyone else to read it sometime. A classic.

everyone's already read it bud it's high school level HORSESHIT!!!

Originally Posted by mwah View Post
I am actually all for TC being a real cryptocurrency, it would put the game on an interesting level. it would however require the powers that b to give a shit about maintaining a real playerbase.

I think they were going to make the "Toribash Next Coin" a decentralized currency. Not sure what happened with that, but imagine an entire subset of the community being crypto bros
Originally Posted by Glimpsed View Post
imagine an entire subset of the community being crypto bros

not a bad image
Originally Posted by KlausSchwab View Post
I think that's just nostalgia, the only players I can think of that would still dominate would be iTemp or Diamond, and nobody else really comes close even now. If you look at the UFC you'll see each generation of fighters is better than the last generation, compare the fighters of 1999 to 2023 and you'll see a complete difference in skill and it's similar with Toribash, and you'll also see standouts with high IQ such as George St Pierre, Jon Jones, or Khabib, who were atleast 1-2 generations ahead of everyone else, which i'd compare to Diamond toribash-wise, personally. and the duelers of 2023 have learned all the openers, tricks, and strategies of previous good players and made it their own, and I'd argue the 2023 duelers (which is very few) such as boost, nerdik would give older players like Ticux a hard run for their money, but Diamond / iTemp would still smoke them. I have even personally played Killer3366 and although he was good in lenshu with a unique style, and out of his prime, he still got smoked, same with Ticux in ABD for Alpha CL prep.

the sample size is small but I can say confidently, give anyone including myself 1k games against good players consistently and it's pretty equal even now. the only player I haven't dueled out of the main bunch is diamond, but even I have wins against them all in one mode or another. it's all consistency and game knowledge and getting quality games against good players to keep learning. u mentioned yourself I was at least better at nerdik in rk and I know I'm better in lenshu (meaning that if we had 100 games 1v1 I know that at the end I would have won more than 50%). if that can be said for me and I am not even close to as good and as consistent in the past, it's only a matter of time of practice to get back 2 the same lvl.

if any of the old guys (I use old broad but I guess top 50 pre 2017) ticux, winver, shockey etc. were playing as consistently as previously they would still be top players and most games/duels would be equal.

but to the crux, none of these players would come back to play on that level because there is no true incentive to play those games against top players all day or weekend long other than trading TC for $. if TC was a crypto it would provide at least some incentive to really play to acquire TC other than just to have a lot, or to buy customizations.
Originally Posted by Glimpsed View Post
I think they were going to make the "Toribash Next Coin" a decentralized currency. Not sure what happened with that, but imagine an entire subset of the community being crypto bros

it's unironically a good idea, probably just lack of planning or knowing how to get it done

Originally Posted by Majed View Post
not a bad image

it would just be a new influx of players who want to play a game to get money (like many other games that offer ingame currency that is a crypto) and with how unique toribash is, it would be actually difficult for them to get it fast; which will require them to need to play a lot of games to get better. add in tc rewards from post count to promote the use of the forum and you will get new players, with incentive to play, taking part in the community, and developing new metas for all the modes in order to get more TC crypto which = money.

then partner with companies that they will support the use of the TC crypto in their stores - promote their stores on the forum for players to buy from using TC, it would bring a lot of revenue and consistent players.

but don't forget this requires effort. at the end of the day the powers that b have to want it, or at least someone within with some sort of say in the direction of the game and playerbase
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.