well honestly I think the forums are a nice place to communicate and sending messages in this format definitely feels in some ways better than a message you would on discord, but the overall access to things feel a lot less simple and feels a little complicated like accessing this thread thingy. Is there a quicker way to get to this thread (without browser bookmarks or saved links) than going to profile > statistics > see all posts > finding a post on the thread and then clicking on that ?
K a B o o m !
sumotori deez mom

toribash offtopic got a bit better than a few years ago tbh
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
removal of wibbles means wibbles must go elsewhere
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
não dói joca
toribash forums off-topic should be intentionally equal in terms of post quality to toribash discord off-topic
breaking news: sir is part of sumotori dreams dev team and toribash next did not release in 2018 due to his sabotage operation!