Age: 14
Favourite Club Team(s): Corinthians
Favourite International Team: Milan
Favourite Player(s): Ronaldo, Kaká
Anything else you want to mention: Ronaldo is playing in my favourite team.
Name: 2Bash/Garry
Age: 16
Favourite Club Team(s): Rangers - Malv's gonna love that ;] and Liverpool
Favourite International Team: Portugal
Favourite Player(s): Don't really have a favourite. Torres probably.
Anything else you want to mention: Celtic's going down.
Originally Posted by ToXiKz View Post
Btw, those players can't leave, its illegal to switch international teams.

The same rules do not apply in the scenario of the creation of a new nation. A player eligilible for both would have the option to choose between both.

In any case, I think we could just end this topic of discussion. I just brought it up because I think it would be interesting to see which players Kosovo eventually would have been able to line up with.

By the way, here's a little fun challenge: Try making Team Jugoslavia. You'll come to see that it ends up quite awesome ;)

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
Name: BenDover
Age: 19
Favourite Club Team(s): NewCastle utd/Leeds utd
Favourite International Team: France(South African footy fails...)
Favourite Player(s): Paul Huntington
Anything else you want to mention: Pauls my cousin, played for newcastle premier division for a few games, then moved to leeds for personal reasons

You're in. I better try catching a Leeds game aswell so I can see your cousin play. From what I hear he's first choice alongside with Rui Marquez.

Originally Posted by killpiu View Post
Age: 14
Favourite Club Team(s): Corinthians
Favourite International Team: Milan
Favourite Player(s): Ronaldo, Kaká
Anything else you want to mention: Ronaldo is playing in my favourite team.

You're in but...note how Milan isn't a national side :P

Originally Posted by 2Bash View Post
Name: 2Bash/Garry
Age: 16
Favourite Club Team(s): Rangers - Malv's gonna love that ;] and Liverpool
Favourite International Team: Portugal
Favourite Player(s): Don't really have a favourite. Torres probably.
Anything else you want to mention: Celtic's going down.

You're in.
Last edited by CMon; Mar 22, 2009 at 11:28 PM.
One of the rising stars from the A-League was Nathan Burns, he got transferred to a team in Turkey last year with Bruke Djite, who is also a fairly good player.
I would expect to see them both in the starting line up for Australia in the near future and probably in some of the bigger leagues in Europe.
Name: Uzaghi
Age: 12 (chek my sig)
Favourite Club Team(s): Inter
Favourite International Team: Italy
Favourite Player(s): Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Anything else you want to mention: Nope
I eez tiggeh. I rukx ;U
Originally Posted by KROOK View Post
Leeds United! man your scum, stick with newcastle...

I liked being able to say"my cousin plays premier division football"
sounds better than "third division footy"

leeds cannot compete with a team like newcastle(tho they are somewhere near the bottom of the league atm =/)
i support them because my cousin supports them
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by Uzaghi View Post
Name: Uzaghi
Age: 12 (chek my sig)
Favourite Club Team(s): Inter
Favourite International Team: Italy
Favourite Player(s): Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Anything else you want to mention: Nope

hi all

Name: Madnesss
Age: 15
Favourite Club Team(s): Manchester United
Favourite International Team: England
Favourite Player(s): cristiano ronaldo
Anything else you want to mention: nothing =P