I'm not sure whether I like the PC or the Xbox 360 more. But the worst out of the current generation and the last, is definitely the PS2.

Why? Because:

1. I've never liked Sony.
2. I was a kid so I always bought from Nintendo. Therefore, I don't know how good(or bad) the PS2 is.
3. The only game I wanted that was for the PS2 was Dragonball Z: Budokai 3.
I grew up with an Xbox, but all the games I wanted were for the PS2.

I never knew how much better or worst the graphics comparison was, but I don't really care that much anymore.

(Congrats, Guitar Hero for Xbox 360)
Fonzie be with you.
Not a very good thread. Each system has its strengths and weaknesses that balances out and equals one another. It's all a matter of opinion. No one has the right to say what is exactly best, especially on fact. Only on your opinion.

Shouldn't this thread be called, "Which is your favorite game system and why"?, like the start of your first post? No offense...it just seems more reasonable..
Last edited by Drummer; Apr 2, 2009 at 04:44 AM.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
I just played 007 Goldeneye on my N64 and Doom 3 on my Xbox today.. There's a bit of a difference.
Death by Stereo.
YouTubed me. MySpit.
Pros and cons of each

PS3: Most powerful graphically, best hardware. Just too expensive for many to get

xbox: probably has more games that people like. and it was first to release. xbox live. nothing extremely bad, except perhaps the weaker performance compared to ps3

wii: very innovative. Not so traditional. also is the cheapest. Has the crappiest graphics. also, i personally don't like the way the controller works.

Each has their own style, but for serious gaming, wii is out of the race for me.

So i would choose xbox due to price and a better choice of games for me
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
I'd have to say PC, the only downside is that manufacturers deliberately pump up hardware prices,

Untrue. PC's are sold at reasonable prices to make a bit of profit.
Consoles are generally sold for a loss or to break even, they earn their money back when games are purchased. (noticed how pc games are half the price of console games)

you can buy a PS3 for less than Nvidia's top of the range multi GPU card, and the same goes for AMD (ATI).

How can those two things even be compared? The current top end graphics card from Nvidia is the GTX295 1795MB, and ATI's is the 4870x2 2048MB.
Both those card's are many times more powerful than a ps3's graphics card.
1st: snes
2nd: n64
3rd: wii
4th: ps2
5th: gamecube
6th: nes
7th: dreamcast
8th: ps3
9th: game boy advanced
10th: playstation

Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
DejaVu, about earlier post...

360 has about 190 exclusives, while PS3 have about 150. Got from Wikipedia so I don't know if it's true.
Originally Posted by Ieatu View Post
DejaVu, about earlier post...

360 has about 190 exclusives, while PS3 have about 150. Got from Wikipedia so I don't know if it's true.

Quality and not quantity, no need to bump this thread but I would prefer PC.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
Quality and not quantity, no need to bump this thread but I would prefer PC.

Agree about the pc it has alot of online capability and it has alot of games
Got Cra..i mean uh...Cranberries?