I've found the Hentai Hub #SUKI
ShhhMikes Moderated Message:
I need big juicy celery sticks ;3
Check out my tentacle rape.

Pretty sure you're into that stuff after all you're a half squid and a half pig. (HOPE I GOT DAT RIGHT CUZ 'SQUIGLING' GAVE ME IMPRESSION OF SQUID AND PIG FML IDK WHAT IM DOING ALSO FUK MY ENGLISH)
Last edited by Accused; Mar 29, 2015 at 11:00 PM.
Originally Posted by Neru View Post
that's so wrong
I don't know how can you bring such tragic event


That picture looks funny. Looks like a cake or jerky.

btw about cat and car, I remember last year when I was gonna pick my brothers up from school, I saw a kitten trying to across the street. Was gonna to bring the kitten to across the street but I don't know why I didn't do it. And when I'm gonna back to home from my brothers school through the same way I go, I shocked found the kitten already crushed by car.
Was feeling so guilty and trying to avoid that way about a few days.
[Steam] [Art] [Music]
Cat jerky x3 About cats, I had 2. One got lost and the other went to 'sleep'. Our 3rd one is doing ayy ok.

Neru just invite me already 3:
♥ suiseggs ♥
Originally Posted by KillaPone View Post
Cat jerky x3 About cats, I had 2. One got lost and the other went to 'sleep'. Our 3rd one is doing ayy ok.

Neru just invite me already 3:

u no deserv
cage the gargoyle
Originally Posted by KillaPone View Post

Neru just invite me already 3:

You're not kawaii enough.

Also hey Cavei.

Also how about we start using our skype group again?
Originally Posted by Accused View Post
You're not kawaii enough.

Also hey Cavei.

Also how about we start using our skype group again?

its impossibru cuz noone ever responds
cage the gargoyle