Wow! I really liked the spin kick and the decap. The actual replay stuff was amazing! What i didnt like was after the dm's. It seemed like you were trying to force a pose. I tweaked your replay into one where it stops quicker. It also gives a sort of jolt feel in the sudden stop. You can use it as a suggestion, or use it as your own replay. Take full credit if need be.

In progress 2: I just cant decide! I uploaded 2 versions, one stops after the one action, and one keeps going and gets a decap. Which is better? (don't take in to account that the decap one's workmanship is CRAP) Its still in progress, so i could get a better pose and such.

I also added one where theres a jumpy bit. Yay or Nay?
Attached Files
in progress 2.rpl (95.8 KB, 8 views)
in progress 2b.rpl (57.4 KB, 7 views)
in progress.rpl (110.3 KB, 8 views)
Idk, but try to do more to the torso in inprogress when decaping uke. Very nice speed, but go for more dms.
Attached Files
Ky - Lolno.rpl (227.2 KB, 13 views)
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
its pretty good, but i dont like the skeet thing at the end. You got lots of dm's which is nice, but i find on the first hit its really annoying how all the momentum stops. Theres no follow through.

dunno why i named mine this.
Attached Files
Double- Nook and Cranny.rpl (63.1 KB, 8 views)
Whoa... so slow, but so fluid. How did you get those dm's from that speed of attacks? I like the tempo of it. The little hop at the end made me do a double take to see how you pulled that off. A little thing would be to let your shoulder relax at the end, instead of staying in that position. I was about to tell you that you should let go of the arm sooner, like right at the decap, when i looked closer and saw that you did. The end kind of bugs me because the whole thing is fluid and relaxed but the end is a little bit stiff. Well, no, thats not the right word. Its not stiff its just.. jolty. The whole replay you do nothing unnecessary but the end your leg bounces off the ground. I posted my own version where theres a different pose. Look at it, call it your own, learn from it, criticize it, etc.

Somebody please add a different ending to mine after 300.
also: is the dance replay decent?
Attached Files
Double- Rhythm.rpl (176.6 KB, 7 views)
in progress dance 4.rpl (343.5 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by DoubleG; Apr 3, 2010 at 03:16 AM.
DoubleG, I really only like standing poses. Here's a pose for your replay.

Rhythm - This replay isn't good. A lot of those dms were grab dms. The last kick at the end is really the only part of it that I like. Good destruction though, and really fast.

Dance - Eh. I'm not good at rating dances. I'll let the next person rate for you.

Mine - Another super slow replay for you. I don't really like this one, tbh.
Attached Files
Double-Rhythm posed.rpl (192.3 KB, 7 views)
Gum - Ring of Fire.rpl (121.1 KB, 7 views)
Ring of fire- Slow Slow Slow.
Dance thingie- Nice, would be better if you used lower gravity.
Attached Files
Baygonn - Fisting.rpl (200.4 KB, 7 views)
Stop microwave at one second. Feel like a bomb defuzer.
Very nice. Awesome in fact. I love the little shuffle to get into prime punching position. I think you should edit it to get rid of the torso throw (its really useless) and get a cleaner pose.

Thanks a ton Chui.

I cant seem to get any booms in mine. I tried to work in -30 gravity, and ended up dancing around a lot.

Attached Files
Double- Safety Dance.rpl (137.1 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by DoubleG; Apr 3, 2010 at 08:26 PM.
Oh snap. I hope you used lube...
Pose added
Attached Files
Baygonn - Fisting.rpl (208.7 KB, 6 views)
Stop microwave at one second. Feel like a bomb defuzer.