
Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post

I figured otherwise, but after re-reading the OP I'm not so sure anymore. Are we open to improving striking mods in general for competitive use, or are we limiting ourselves to recreating lenshu, rkmma, and wushu with more consistent and functional point distributions?

I have a mod proposal of sorts, which I want to post, but I'll wait and see if people are interested in it.

You can post your ideas here, we're always open to discussing stuff ^^

Edit : Also, we are indeed open to improving striking mod, more competition oriented, raising the general skillcap through difficulty rather than dumbing it down etc...

(dang, all the activity)
Last edited by deprav; Dec 9, 2015 at 12:14 AM.
Give me the fucking password, deprav.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
I had an idea recently about a new striking mod. I got to thinking about kinda how a match progresses and how different variables (mostly gravity) affect it, and I tried to balance in my head those variables just to imagine what an ideal mod would be. I think, to stimulate discussion on this in order to create the best mod we can, it’d be best for me to include my reasoning on why I’ve arrived at this conclusion. I'll also touch on some things that I think should probably be applied to all striking mods, and not necessarily just this one... but ehhhhhh... First, this mod.

So far, I've shown it to a few people (strikers and non-strikers alike) and they seem to be supportive of the idea. One of my most blunt and pessimistic friends on TB (headbashr, if you know him) said he thought it was interesting and the raw idea sounded more attractive to him than standard striking mods currently do now.

My idea for a mod is about reintroducing an important aspect of all striking mods that’s rather neglected, and can even sometimes be seen with animosity. I’ll touch on that a lot more later, but for now, the basics. This mod ideally includes:
  • Point Distribution sponsored by Striking Reborn
  • Medium-High to High Gravity (-25 to -30)
  • Turnframes of 10(15), 10, 10, 30(25), 30, 30, 30 (etc.)
  • 16-20 turns
  • Engage distance of 200-250
  • Dojo size of 450-550 (lenshu3ng.tbm has a dojo size of 600, rk-mma.tbm has a dojo size of 450)
  • Circular Dojo
  • No DQ/conditional DQ
  • High Dismemberment/Fracture thresholds
At this point, this mod has only one unique aspect, that being the different turnframes in the first three turns, and all other aspects of it find a middle ground between already well known and established striking mods, but here is where I deviate from those. My idea for this mod includes a horizontally oriented lattice hovering over the ring, slightly higher than the toris. Directly overtop the lattice would be a transparent ceiling (much like in wushu3box.tbm) to allow for more possibility and utility of the lattice, as well as prevent smartasses from climbing on top of the lattice and jacking around. It would extend only to the edge of the dojo.

Before you open up that spoiler, keep in mind that this thing took almost seven pages single spaced when I first wrote it on Google Docs. Put on music or make tea or something, you'll be here for a few minutes. Also, it was really hard to spellcheck lmfao. Everytime I re-read through this, I find more I want to fix and change, but for the most part the ideas are there and they're comprehensible, at least. Please, bear with me.

I tried to highlight some of the more important stuff in this purple to help guide your reading if you don't have the time or focus to read the entire thing. If this color is strange or distracting I'd be glad to change it.

Why? What’s the reasoning behind all of this? Open meeeeeee

Last edited by pouffy; Dec 21, 2015 at 01:19 AM. Reason: so.... long...
Same goes for me. I'll test it since I'm not really good in mod making, not even going to try.
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I have some pretty decent ideas sometimes, but surely there's something you can think of that could be theorized better? I honestly think this could be a great competitive mod if it's done right, and I really want it done right.

Not to mention, I'm no modmaker either xD