Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[RMO] RK-MMA Masters Tournament
So, the finals have started!

HiPower VS killer3366



-> Any questions? Feel free to post in our support thread or contact ViperTech or Destram in the IRC #mma or per PM.

Powered by the RK-MMA Organization [RMO] and sponsored by [Tribe], [Grim Reapers], Brazilian Toribash Organization [BTO], the Gamemasters and the one and only hampa.

Art by Fenris.

Hello people from Toribash and welcome to the gigantic RK-MMA Masters Tournament, the first big tournament brought to you by the RK-MMA Organisation [RMO] !

This is a 128-bracket tournament and the bracket will be based on GMTs for first to make it easier to compete at the start, but it will be randomly generated within each GMT.

The mod will be rk-mma.tbm only and you'll have to play first to 5 and save your replays, but more to that in the rules.

The first two rounds will last 2 weeks, after that the deadline will be shortened to 1 week per round, but this will be announced.

There is no entry fee and if you can't get in the tournament this time no worries, there will be more in the future !

Of course you have to keep the deadline for the rounds. If you are not, we will make decisions on kicking you to keep the tournament smooth. The player who made the most effort in trying to get his match done will advance. If your opponent won't respond and the deadline is close to the end, please contact Vipertech oder Destram.

Also, when you post your score, you must attach replays of every match you played during the whole duel everytime (If you don't do this, the matches won't count !). This is easy, since you can just go into the settings ingame and turn the autosave function on before you play your matches so you don't have to do it manually all the time. Also when you post your score, please include the Bracket you are in. For example : Bracket 1 - Destram 5 - 4 ViperTech

There are absolutely no rules refering your playstyle, but remember that there is an award in form of 30.000 TC for the best replay at each round, so it's your choice to rather provide us some awesome replays of the fights (more to that below) !

1st place: 450.000 TC + 7 Shiai Tokens - Claimed by HiPower

2nd place: 200.000 TC + 4 Shiai Tokens - Claimed by killer3366

3rd place: 100.000 TC + 2 Shai Token - Claimed by Diamond

Best replay at each round: 30.000 TC

Note : For the "Best replay at each round", everyone who wants to participate has to choose one replay from the games you played in the current round, no matter if winner or loser. When you post the score with the replays you can just write for example "I'd like to choose the 3rd replay I posted, named ______ to participate for the award of the best replay in this round". However, you can't choose a replay based on how your opponent played, this ONLY refers to your tori in the replay, so choose wisely. You can edit your post to choose another replay as often as you want till the round has ended.

There will be 7 rounds in which you can claim the replay award : 128 players -> 64 players -> 32 players -> 16 players -> 8 players -> 4 players -> 2 players

Of course, if you lose a duel, you can't participate for the upcoming round awards anymore.

We won't disclose the criteria on which the replays will be judged, since we don't want anyone to only play in terms of trying to get the replay prize. This is still a tournament and winning is the main aspect why you participate in here, but if you really like a replay of your fights for some reason, you can just let it participate for the award.

The sign up starts at the time where the tournament was posted. There is no entry fee, the sign up is absolutely free. When we reached 128 players, the tournament starts and the Sign Up is closed.

Please use this form :

Nickname :

Clan :


[RMO] member Yes or No? :


Bracket 1

Bracket 2
Last edited by Destram; Sep 5, 2014 at 07:53 PM.
Alright, Diamond received his 100k TC + 2 Shiai Tokens for the 3rd place! Congrats to him.

Now we only have one match left. The final between killer3366 and HiPower!
How about make a public server for final and TBradio stream on twitch?
My zoo:Vog-dog,kat-cat,Matt76-brother,tman-tbitch,iRookie-lesbian,RKG-erky,brigada-bitch-X.
That sounds pretty cool, I'll talk to Viper about it.

Edit: So HiPower seems to be ok with it being a big event, so does killer as he told me. Viper approved aswell. Now we just have to make up a date and find someone to stream/make a video series about it. For videos I'd like to ask Clay (Soap). For streaming, you guys suggested TBmedia, I'll contact them aswell. Let's make this coooooooool!

Editedit: Asked Vitta, the lead from TBmedia, about it and he said they'd love to do it and they would be up for it at any time.
Last edited by Destram; Aug 10, 2014 at 02:49 PM.
the issue is actually finding a time that works for multiple parties.. killer is online significantly less than i am and destram was hoping to coordinate with streamers, youtubers, etc.

anyway, so we can get some concrete times to work this out, these are the times that i'm available within the next week:

thursday 8/28: ~5: 30 pm - 8: 30 pm GMT 0
friday-monday: unavailable
tuesday-friday 9/2 - 9/4: ~5: 30 pm - 8: 30 pm GMT 0

edit: can we remove the :3 face forever