Let me explain, I made a alt account to get some tc and randomly got invited to Swish from someone so I though "Why the hell not" and joined with a account which has 2 qi. And then I got in to Pulse on this account which is my main. I never new having an account that I don't play on, and for some reason hasn't been kicked from Swish yet, was bad
[AC] Assassin
DjTurn3r was reinvited to the clan. I think his reason was understandible.
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Okay thanks for the second chance, but no thanks my friend and I had to argue for me to get back in so Master clearly doesn't trust me and members snitch on each other so it's not the nicest community.

It was fun while it lasted so I hope we can stay in touch and be single allies or something.

Last edited by Hivid; Feb 2, 2014 at 03:34 PM.
''Members snitch on each other''. How is an honest person going to be honest if he doesn't report to the leader of the clan of the current situation? It's not considered snitching, if it's an important matter. Your reasons to not accept the invite is immature and lame, please try to be mature and give legitimate reasons to not join this clan. I myself am an honest person, I snitch because I'm honest. I snitch because I think certain stuff are important.
You have no legitimate reasons to be trusted if you joined another clan on your alt, if you're gonna complain about the leader not trusting you, atleast do certain stuff to make him trust you.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
DJTurn3r that wasn't nice, we gave you second chance , and you are leaving... I dont think that we can be friends after that.
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Agreed. I am not adding you as an enemy, but not as an ally either. I, for one, was fine. Jt argued, but i didn't show resistance. So technically this was not aruging. As i said, i won't be adding you as an enemy, but i forbid you to reply to these posts. You have betrayied us. You do not belong back in. We treated you as our family and this is how we are repayed? Nonsense.

Forget it. We should think about our officiality.We should strat donating tc.
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Originally Posted by viliuxazz View Post
Forget it. We should think about our officiality.We should strat donating tc.

agree with you hahaha.......

All the problem let it pass , We view for our future right ?
Come Closer And I Will Open Your Inner Cunning
Originally Posted by fadhli26 View Post
agree with you hahaha.......

All the problem let it pass , We view for our future right ?

100 % yes. I am thinking about clan art shop? Maybe someone have any art for sale?
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