cool opener after opener, nice and smooth

split and decap were nice and quick, not much to say about them

that boom was phenomenal, although shouldn't of even worked lmao

hacking part was pretty cool
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

opener was really new, never seen one like it but it looked a bit too forced

the 2 dms were totally stolen from my first replay on my thread okno jk

the rest just seemed a bit off since you hit uke in the booty but it really didnt look
like it fit into the replay nicely.

the hacking part was sweet, looked like you used the Force from Star Wars.

7/10 pretty good, work a bit on speed and getting into good positions.

btw i accept your request of us doin a collab.

omg....opener looks like you both(raywill and you) used the same..but ok anyway
its cool
the problem was on the transition to the pose,leg twitched just a bit...besides that,HACKS YES!,this thing you done was creative.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
thanks goys

tried what static said (to go out of my comfort zone) and this is what happened

also you are all looking at the holder of the new highest whole uke toss
Attached Files
M - Anus.rpl (584.6 KB, 24 views)
M - Trash Compactor.rpl (522.9 KB, 23 views)
cool ass replays m8 congrats on record bro(better gimme some of it or I will touch u)


opener was cool and stuff, but hold the neck

don't become static bro, get the crotch m8, cool kick still though

that boom was sick dude, looks like u could get a 5 dm doe

the smash was really cool

nice skeets

trash compactor

holy crap

opener was really sick, but a bit stiff

manip was fabulous, but that glitch doe

couldn't see how u got both glutes

split was nice

random knee dm

2 dm kick was nice

cool ass skeet

no decap
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
idk what to say
nice moves,nice dms,nice everything
i feel fuck me
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
just didnt liked the part that when you gone finish the torso looked a bit slow
however,besides that....the perfection and smoothness are so great....
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592

also in case your concerned on my lack of uploads its because i found my old ds and my old pokemon omega ruby
Attached Files
M - Calamity.rpl (486.0 KB, 25 views)