Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hey folks. I need someplace to retire. As some of you may know, my clan of five or more years, Essence, died rather recently. I transferred to Element (which died), then to Sinon which disbanded. Anyway, I'd have followed ConCon over to Parrot but I don't know anyone there and I'd like to be among familiar forum-faces. So, here I am, applying to Piratez because I know a lot of you and I want to be part of a clan. So, on with the application I suppose.

Self Description: I'm an old-faeg. I've been around Toribash for years and years, namely with the recently dead clan that I founded, Essence. I've been around this clan in the peripherals for quite some time as well. Essence and Piratez goes back quite a few years, as do I with Piratez personally. I've seen a lot of members pass through your ranks, but I've primarily gotten on well with GrayveXP, Sicks, Mookiefish, XPaD, Golfball, and others. I'm not sure how well some of you folks will remember me - it's been years - but I've been around all the same. I also knew Uric and Murmayder when they were active and living around these parts. I didn't speak to them nearly as much as some of the others, but I was still around them. Anyway, I'm a devoted member and I'm honestly just looking for some place to retire to. I don't leave clans. If you accept me, I'm here to stay, and I'll make sure to post here in order to keep this clan afloat. I do have a lot going on in my personal life such as work, school, immigration, and other sorts of things, but you have my word that I'll contribute on a weekly basis at the least. Other than that, I'm not sure if there's too much to say. I really hope to join you though and retire to the ranks of Piratez.
GMT: -7
Past Clans and why you left them (if any): Essence 2009-2015 (Died), Element 2015-2015 (Died), Sinon 2015-2015 (Disbanded).
Belt and Qi: 3rd Dan, 3116.
Are you active on forum?: I haven't been lately, but there's not been anywhere for me to post really. If I were accepted into your ranks, I'd certainly be active.
Favorite/Best mod: Aikido is what I've always played, but I haven't played in years.
Three replays of your favorite/best mod: I don't have any replays on hand, sorry. I'm mainly a forumite and I haven't played in years.

With all that said, I really hope I'll get the chance to retire to Piratez.

Thank you for your time,
- Clyde
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
I did say you're welcome anytime, didn't I?
Yes from me.

Hah, hey there Sicks. It's been a long time. Thank you very much.

I'm not too familiar with your application process, but is there a certain number of yeses required before acceptance?
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Hey there. Haven't seen you for quite some time. Still remember you. Well usually you need 3 yeses but we can make an exception as we aren't that active anymore. Welcome aboard!
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
Hey there. Haven't seen you for quite some time. Still remember you. Well usually you need 3 yeses but we can make an exception as we aren't that active anymore. Welcome aboard!

Hey there Uberis. Ah, I'm glad you remember me. I've pretty much fallen off the face of the planet lately with toribash. Ah, I see, well thank you very much. I'm happy to be here. I've been looking for a home since Essence died and as you saw in my application, they didn't really work out. I'm glad this place is still alive. Anyway, thank you for having me.

Originally Posted by TheDog96 View Post
Welcome rappunk23 !

Thank you very much - I appreciate it.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
So, rappunk23 contacted me and asked me if i would like to join Piratez so i decided, why not? I'm not a lone wolf no?

So here is my app:

I am a 15 years old teenager in the 9th class. I am living in Romania (East Europe), in the south part of the country, in a city crossed by Danube. It's a nice city, a small one i could say with only 28k citizens but is ok with little, not so much noises. Ok so how i said at the start i am in the 9th grade at school and my dreams for future is that to become a programmer. I know it needs hard work and studies, but i feel i can do it. Now about my hobbies and what i like to do in my free time. I really like to do sports, not only one a lot of them, i played and still enjoy the football (played it 2 years), tennis (played it 1 year), swimming (i enjoined it 3 years and i still do it), cross and now i'm going to GYM to put on some muscles. D: I would like to try basketball also or handball gonna see if i can do them. In my free time if i am not doing homework, i like staying with my family or playing with my pets (2 dogs and a cat ^^), or maybe doing some gaming time. Also i have a guitar from 1972 which i really like to play at it and feel the music that it make, an acordio from 1980 but i don't really use this one.
GMT: +3 As my studys, i'm studying English since 2nd grade and i'm doing tutoring at English since 4th grade so my English skills would be 7-8 out of 10. As other things from school objects i like anything with math in it, my native language and maybe some biology? Anyway, for me the most important thing right now are my studys until i finsh them, then maybe i would say the other things from my life.

As how i look, i'm very tall, nearly 2m (now having around 1.94m), black hair, brown eyes, well build but how i said going to gym to put on some ''cannons'' ;) and i'm white. (no racism here, but maybe u wanted to know D: )

Now my Toribash activity:

Well i started this game 3 years ago in July 2012 and first time i played this was kinda like: what the fuck is this game....3D porn maybe? But after i became blue belt i really enjoined this game and now look at me i am 10th dan. I can't lie and don't say i wasn't ban so far or got some infractions, what you want know all of us did it. ^^ I am skilled player in game, but i am sad to say i can't help the clan with any skills like art making or video making or editing... Performance is what i want from me, and i think Piratez would be a big challenge for me. My past clans are FC (i was leader of FC and stayed in this clan for like 6 months before it went down), The Shield, Fvipers and Nitro (this is where i spent all my CLAN TIME in Toribash, i was in this clan for like 10-11 months and i was really happy there, with some really nice people, skilled ones and also a top one,but had to left it because the clan started to have fights between its members and i don't want something like this) so if we talk here about loyality about clans, i can be loyal to any clan if they are also with me. I am active on forum like everyday, but my ingame activity went down so i can be active ingame any time you want and need me but i don't really play the game so often now, maybe 4-5 times a month. I can help the clan with ingame events or something like that. Also the fact that this is a forum releated clan is more enjoyable for me. As my favorite mods/best, my fav mods would be any judo mod, any akido mod, leshu, rk-mma, taekyon, jousting and greykido, as best mod i can say judo is my best mod.

Replays: well since i didn't play the game for a while, i hadn't have time to do replays so i don't really have replays to add here.

So here it is, didn't do an app for a clan for like 1 year or more so don't hate me guys D:, i know this isn't my best but hey i tried no? Now i can wait as long as you need to get a decission. Have a great day.
Last edited by azzeffir23; Feb 2, 2017 at 05:48 PM.
RO: Salut. Si eu sunt roman. Cred ca o sa-ti placa Piratez, desi nu suntem asa activi.

Hei there, i just hope everyone will have a positive feedback on your app because I really want you in Piratez !
> Piratez