I would basically just try to give good critisism on each part of the replay
maybe every 30-50 frames you talk about what they did during that period of time
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
opener was a bit generic other then your pecs
I liked the first kick and the swing afterwards, but you killed da flow by stopping and then continuing with a back kick
the way you rose up afterwards would have been fine except for the fact that your legs were fully extended taking away some of the realism from that movement
then your dropped straight down into a launch position instead of transitioning into it
the kick and spin afterwards was nice aswell
overall you are really good
just work on your transitioning skills and your a great sparrer

thats what your cnc should look like btw
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#Vs Joope.rpl (1.72 MB, 12 views)
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
iRich, if you tried your realism in this then you really need to work on it.
You are really twitchy almost all the time.
When you started it was really twitchy and stiff, when you got hit with the kick it was an okay fall, but when you got back up it was a weird back and forth kind of thing.
When you did you're series of 'punches' it was really awkward and off balanced, also you looked like you were slapping him almost.
One of those punches you came overhead and tried to hit him it looked really unrealistic.
Then after that you kicked and got into a handstand, it didn't look good at all nor was it realistic.
Then you got on your feet, sort of, and got kicked in the face.
It was a okay Knock Out and fall.
Overall I think it was a really poor spar.
I would like some nice C&C for this replay, thank you.
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Spar With Allidois.rpl (410.3 KB, 7 views)
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Posts deleted except Kershner's because you actually cnc'd even if it was the wrong person. Thanks though Dobby. Anyway, next time anyone decides to try to post here, please read first post before going about posting your post posts, please. post you.

I mean thank you.
I came here to laugh at you
Oh, I am sorry I CnC'd iRich because he had posted.
I will CnC iRich's spar also if you would like.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

In which case I will step in here and cnc both to get everything back under control.
Editing Shortly.

Jclark: Honestly not all that much to cnc, most of the movement is pretty dang fluid, so I guess I'll just tell you my favorite bits n whatnot.
the twists and stuff you do after that running bit were pretty dang good, it's unfortunate that you didn't get a very good position when you guys
first clashed, but hey you know. in fact that's prolly the thing that I find a problem with the replay is there isn't much fighting, you twist and flip around
and whatnot but you don't do much slashing. Also just one really nitpicky thing, around frame 860 doesn't look all to good. I'm actually pretty scattered
tonight so I suppose i'll leave it at this. if you feel like I haven't given you much or anything just tell me and I'll look at the replay again and try to give
more thorough cnc.

on to Kershner's replay
The start was rather generic/whatever and the twist was slow/could have been put to much better use. maybe experiment by contracting the knee or the hip of the leg you're pushing off from? you didn't seem to react well to the other guy slamming into you, which wasn't your fault and it'd be pretty hard to do anything with that, but your recovery also could have been better. in fact everything as a whole could be a lot better if you weren't so afraid
to use your arms. let em hang free man, it's cool. ain't no one gonna judge. Not much else to say, the rest was kinda bleh and the hits were really weak. as I stated above, if you think I haven't cnc'd you well enough just let me know and I'll edit with better stuff later.

here's a thing I did I pinged which is why it's short so it should be easy for whoever to criticize it. I'm pretty rusty so there's that too.
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Nock.rpl (241.8 KB, 20 views)
Last edited by Nearly; Aug 17, 2013 at 07:31 AM.
wow that