Endurance Onslaught 6.0
After playing more than like 100 games with quest rogue, i simply can't understand why people complain about this deck. I played all the fucking day with it and i faced only 1 or 2 quest rogues, the rest? FUCKING FACE HUNTER AND AGGRO DRUID WHAT THE FUCK?! How can you complain about quest rogue when i'm dead by turn 4 or 5 to aggro druid/face hunter? Vs pirate warrior i still have a little chance to comeback, but vs these atrocious decks i cant do shit with it. Quest rogue is absolute shit if the draw is bad. By the end of the day i lost 90% of my matches because i simply couldnt draw what i needed, i swear to god i wanted to punch my monitor.

Heartstone community is fucked up, again, QUEST ROGUE is good only if your draws are good, this deck is not cancerous at all because you have to think a little bit about your plays and also you have to depend on lucky draws. Any other quest is far more easy to do. Yes, i agree that if you draw completly insane or at least decent this quest is the best, but if you dont it's absolute crap. So i really hope heartstone community will stop crying about this deck and cry about the real cancer out there on the ladder.
Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
After playing more than like 100 games with quest rogue, i simply can't understand why people complain about this deck. I played all the fucking day with it and i faced only 1 or 2 quest rogues, the rest? FUCKING FACE HUNTER AND AGGRO DRUID WHAT THE FUCK?! How can you complain about quest rogue when i'm dead by turn 4 or 5 to aggro druid/face hunter? Vs pirate warrior i still have a little chance to comeback, but vs these atrocious decks i cant do shit with it. Quest rogue is absolute shit if the draw is bad. By the end of the day i lost 90% of my matches because i simply couldnt draw what i needed, i swear to god i wanted to punch my monitor.

Heartstone community is fucked up, again, QUEST ROGUE is good only if your draws are good, this deck is not cancerous at all because you have to think a little bit about your plays and also you have to depend on lucky draws. Any other quest is far more easy to do. Yes, i agree that if you draw completly insane or at least decent this quest is the best, but if you dont it's absolute crap. So i really hope heartstone community will stop crying about this deck and cry about the real cancer out there on the ladder.

1) You can Tech your Quest Rogue deck with stuff like Bilefin Tidehunter to take much less damage in your early game. Spawning like, 2 taunts a turn really mitigates how much face damage can be done.

2) Face damage and hyper aggro is the counter to Quest Rogue

3) The prevalence of hyper aggressive decks is a response to the Quest Rogue meta.

So in Hearthstone, when a new expansion comes out, all decks are pretty fair game. Nobody knows what works best and in what ratio.

But as some decks prove to be more prevalent than others, a rock paper scissors meta forms.

a) Quest Rogue is really good, beats a lot of stuff, play Quest Rogue

Okay now Quest Rogue is destroying Deathrattle Priest, Quest Hunter, Buff Paladin, and quest mage. So a lot of people play quest rogue.

Oh man now there's a lot of quest rogues? How do I win in this meta?

b) Aggro beats quest rogue. So I'll be aggro druid, I'll be pirate warrior, I'll be face hunter. I'll beat all these quest rogue players and climb like that.

So okay now we got tons of quest rogues poaching players and aggro decks poaching the quest rogues. Now you got your ass kicked by an aggro deck for the last time and say I NEED TO BEAT THE AGGRO

c) Taunt Warrior. That's it. Tired of losing by turn 4, I'm playing taunt warrior. So you play taunt warrior to beat the aggro decks that are out there trying to poach the quest rogues.

And what you end up with, is a meta triangle. If Hearthstone was a well designed game, that'd be fine. Because if it were a well designed game, shit like Taunt Warrior vs. Face Hunter would require both players to make intelligent decisions to win. But it's not :c
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Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post

And what you end up with, is a meta triangle. If Hearthstone was a well designed game, that'd be fine. Because if it were a well designed game, shit like Taunt Warrior vs. Face Hunter would require both players to make intelligent decisions to win. But it's not :c

Oh tell me about how people like savjz literally get top10 legend ranks with shit like recruit paladin. Of course there will be a meta structure in any given cardgame. Even RTS games like starcraft have a similar structure.

Sure pirate warrior and murlocs are a bit anti fun but the meta is currently super vibrant and so many things are viable. In the end there will always be hard counters, but complaining about counters in a TGC is like complaining about the sun getting up. That's the way cardgames work.

Ele shaman, pirate and taunt warrior, ele/jade shaman, quest and miracle rogue, midrange paladin and murloc architypes (and many more) are currently viable for ladder play. To say that hearthstone is not a well designed game while having so many viable decktypes is pure bs.

I'm currently playing with a version of recruit paladin and I am absolutely loving it. Teching the deck to counter most aggro (unless perfect draw) while still keeping lategame makes it possible to win against any deck type, granted I manage to play well. Complaining about the current meta just feels weird to me after only jade druid, renomage/lock and pirate warrior were a thing
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
Oh tell me about how people like savjz literally get top10 legend ranks with shit like recruit paladin. Of course there will be a meta structure in any given cardgame. Even RTS games like starcraft have a similar structure.

Sure pirate warrior and murlocs are a bit anti fun but the meta is currently super vibrant and so many things are viable. In the end there will always be hard counters, but complaining about counters in a TGC is like complaining about the sun getting up. That's the way cardgames work.

Ele shaman, pirate and taunt warrior, ele/jade shaman, quest and miracle rogue, midrange paladin and murloc architypes (and many more) are currently viable for ladder play. To say that hearthstone is not a well designed game while having so many viable decktypes is pure bs.

I'm currently playing with a version of recruit paladin and I am absolutely loving it. Teching the deck to counter most aggro (unless perfect draw) while still keeping lategame makes it possible to win against any deck type, granted I manage to play well. Complaining about the current meta just feels weird to me after only jade druid, renomage/lock and pirate warrior were a thing

I'll focus on the bolded.

1) Just because the game has elements of luck doesn't mean you can't be good at understanding statistics and yield good results in the long run. I never said that wasn't the case of Hearthstone. Most people who hit legend, hit it again way easier. Pro players have pretty much never been denied legend by luck in literally any season. That doesn't mean the game isn't poorly designed.

2) There are tons of decks from different classes that can be piloted to legend. That is true. That still doesn't mean the game isn't poorly designed.

3) This meta isn't worse than last meta, I didn't say that. Last meta was obnoxious.

I'm saying Hearthstone, as a whole, has recently decided to make shitty design choices. Those design choices usually place a larger emphasis on draw RNG than before. I'm also saying that many decks create not very fun and interactive matchups. Because interacting with your opponent is fun, and fun is good, I want more of that. Yes... I'm fully aware freeze mage has existed since the dinosaurs and that's not exactly fun and interactive.

Hearthstone, within the last few card expansions, has made draw order matter at an all time high.

Part of that has to include with the text that Reno, Kazakus, etc. read. 1 of everything in your deck means less draw consistency. Part of that means cards that are such conditionally so much more valuable when they hit a criteria (like a 3/4 bloodsail cultist who needs you to both have a pirate alive and a weapon alive to get her effect which can cause arcanite reaper to go from 10 damage over 2 turns to 18 damage in 3 turns for example). Part of that means blizzards hope to force new archetypes is making interesting card effects legendary, which means card RNG to draw it, like say clutchmother in discard lock.

The point is, drawing the right cards in the right order in a game filled with one ofs, makes for an experience of highly emphasized top decking and that's not enjoyable. And watching your opponent play single player while you have nothing to interact with isn't fun either. When you combine those problems, AND decks tending to be more expensive in dust than before outside of Control Warrior AND packs cost more money now, I disagree with Blizzard's recent Hearthstone design choices.

Having said ALL of that - Whispers of the Old Gods in my opinion was the best expansion ever. And I am enjoying Un'Goro for what it is. I play it when I need to relax and just have fun
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
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Complaining about reno is quite weird when reno isn't in standard anymore.

I would even argue that card draw is significantly less important in the current expansion since there is so much discover and meaningful RNG mechanics. Playing around and with the RNG/Discover mechanics creates so much variety and makes individual draw far less important. Also since the meta has slowed down for the most parts significantly (ungoro gave massive amounts of anti aggro tools) I don't understand when you say that there is less interaction.

Yeah shit draw will ruin the game and perfect draw will win you the game.
That's just how it is. Want no RNG or draw to have no effect, go play chess.
Last edited by cowmeat; Apr 18, 2017 at 03:39 AM.
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
Complaining about reno is quite weird when reno isn't in standard anymore.

I would even argue that card draw is significantly less important in the current expansion since there is so much discover and meaningful RNG mechanics. Playing around and with the RNG/Discover mechanics creates so much variety and makes individual draw far less important. Also since the meta has slowed down for the most parts significantly (ungoro gave massive amounts of anti aggro tools) I don't understand when you say that there is less interaction.

Yeah shit draw will ruin the game and perfect draw will win you the game.
That's just how it is. Want no RNG or draw to have no effect, go play chess.

Again, I didn't complain about Reno. It's really easy to dismantle arguments I didn't make.

Creating more RNG discover elements and mechanics doesn't reduce card draw RNG. It introduces far more RNG, yes. But it doesn't reduce card RNG. If you honestly think "Well I can adapt my 5/4 to have poisonous, so it's like I drew my Giant Wasp!!!" as a valid excuse for how much more draw RNG has been introduced into the game, then we disagree.

Adapting mechanics are great because you can attempt to make plays with the options. I get that.

Draw RNG is still more of a factor in Hearthstone now than it was in the past. Adapting minions doesn't fix that. Drawing Patches single handedly can drop a deck's win rate by a very real percentage. That's draw RNG imposed by the damn mulligan phase. It's not like putting Alexstraza in your deck and finding her in your mulligan. It's a 1 mana card you put in your aggro deck that by drawing by turn 1 makes your win rate go down.

Also - decks slowing down doesn't mean the game is more interactive. A zoolock vs. midrange shaman deck may end 5 turns quicker than midrange shaman vs. control warrior, but it doesn't mean the control warrior game was more interactive. It doesn't mean more decisions were made. Yeah at least you get to play more cards in longer games, but playing cards doesn't have to mean more decisions. You play a taunt warrior deck, oh man so slow. Thank you thanks Hearthstone now we have Tar Creeper to deal with aggro. How is playing a taunt minion on 3 a choice? What was your alternative that turn? Shield block? Hero power pass? Coin bloodhoof brave? Much decisions.

I do prefer no RNG, that is in fact WHY I PLAY CHESS haha. I'm not insinuating Hearthstone has to be chess. It's a fucking card game. Discovery cards, generating random cards, deal random damage, transform into a random higher costed minion -> these elements are luck based that can turn the tides of games unfairly but they are also what makes hearthstone great. Each game can tell a different story because of these cards. It's one of the many ways you stop curvestone from happening.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't want more from blizzard. It doesn't mean you should just accept all elements of luck and RNG in the game as something to play around, and playing around things = skill. You should want better. I want it to better. I think there are things they could do to substantially reduce how large we emphasize draw RNG. I'd like to see those things happen.
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Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
Hearthstone, within the last few card expansions, has made draw order matter at an all time high.

Part of that has to include with the text that Reno, Kazakus, etc. read. 1 of everything in your deck means less draw consistency.

That is literally complaining about reno, but let's not dwell on that one.

Well you say they should make hearthstone better, how?
Some actual improvements and not just "Less RNG"
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
That is literally complaining about reno, but let's not dwell on that one.

Well you say they should make hearthstone better, how?
Some actual improvements and not just "Less RNG"

Well for one, introduce scrying. In Magic the Gathering, there are cards that let you look into the top however many cards of your deck, and rearrange them in the order of your choosing. The closest we have is Tracking, which is one class, and forces you to discard two of your three cards, which blows.

For second, lower the powerful effects of legendaries that breed archetypes and turn them into epics. Having less powerful effect placed on one card and doubling the amount of that card in the deck means it's less punishing to not draw the card and you're twice as likely to draw the card.

For third, stop designing cards that are amazing to play on curve and really shit off curve. Less cards like Patches, Small Time Buccaneer, Totem Golem when it was a relevant problem. These cards have created the highest failure rate built into most decks in Hearthstone history. It used to be only Rogue had this type of built in failure rate based off "Will I draw Gadget in time", now even if you run a dragon deck, with like 8 dragons in your deck, you have a real chance to not draw a dragon at all when you need them and you just flat out lose.

So there's 3 things: Add scrying, make some legendaries epics and make them less powerful doubling your consistency and lowering your power swings, and make less power swings cards that are garbage when not played perfectly on curve or with the perfect conditions and setup in your hard so there's just overall less power swings emphasized by the card drawing mechanic.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
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Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
Well for one, introduce scrying. In Magic the Gathering, there are cards that let you look into the top however many cards of your deck, and rearrange them in the order of your choosing. The closest we have is Tracking, which is one class, and forces you to discard two of your three cards, which blows.

I think this is a good idea but a massive rework which is hardly going to be implemented and wouldn't really work with the current card set. A change like this would require a complete card rework since some things would become completely overpowered.

For second, lower the powerful effects of legendaries that breed archetypes and turn them into epics. Having less powerful effect placed on one card and doubling the amount of that card in the deck means it's less punishing to not draw the card and you're twice as likely to draw the card.

I don't agree with this. Cards like N'zoth are great and making two less powerful N'zoths doesn't feel the same. I can understand this point perfectly but personally I prefer how it currently is

For third, stop designing cards that are amazing to play on curve and really shit off curve. Less cards like Patches, Small Time Buccaneer, Totem Golem when it was a relevant problem. These cards have created the highest failure rate built into most decks in Hearthstone history. It used to be only Rogue had this type of built in failure rate based off "Will I draw Gadget in time", now even if you run a dragon deck, with like 8 dragons in your deck, you have a real chance to not draw a dragon at all when you need them and you just flat out lose.

I think they learned from this with un'goro. All the cards you listed were from previous expansions, while they still prove a problem I feel like it's being slowly corrected. Deckbuilding is always going to be a risk reward process, especially when it comes to decks like dragonpriest where it's a matter of how many dragons vs value spells you want to put in.

So there's 3 things: Add scrying, make some legendaries epics and make them less powerful doubling your consistency and lowering your power swings, and make less power swings cards that are garbage when not played perfectly on curve or with the perfect conditions and setup in your hard so there's just overall less power swings emphasized by the card drawing

I feel like these problems are all being slowly fixed with the new expansion, that's why I'm so critical about the idea that blizzard is making bad calls with the game. The only OP cards currently are the quests and getting those quests done can be done in such a variety of ways that it's not just "I have to hit this one legendary draw". It's no longer the reno meta.

Last edited by cowmeat; Apr 18, 2017 at 04:36 AM.
Started playing a bit again after not playing for 2 years. (Yea, so that's a couple of months after GvG was released). Anyone been in this position and what's the best way to catch back up?

The game gave me a few packs and some dust to get started again and with the dust I already had I crafted a couple cards I was missing for the pirate warrior deck that's in the meta right now (missing leeroy and patches though but still works).
Is it just a matter of getting back to the grind now? I love this game but I hate how quickly you get left behind in irrelevance if you stop for a bit.