we will test you when we have time, k?
<Cindermomo> finnish people are so weird
<Cindermomo> go eat your trees
Okay, you guys, im sorry about being held up. busy etc.

Please tell me, WHY do you want to be in this clan? I mean, are friends in it?
I mean, we're basically just a discussion group now. BUT WE ARE STILL COOL.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
Locker and i are freinds :3
<Cindermomo> finnish people are so weird
<Cindermomo> go eat your trees


<Cindermomo> finnish people are so weird
<Cindermomo> go eat your trees
Name: ItsnhubaaX
Age: 14
Belt: Black
How long have you been playing? 5-6 month
Where would you like to be tested? Jousting, Wushu
Any last words: My last clan was ttf and I have beaten lots of good players