yeah.. Let me tell this, I dont think that you should be such a hypocrite here.. We all know that it wasn't.. unless you got some sorta BAAADbadBad life.. Which I really doubt. xP
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
NiNjAxCrYo, that made me sad Anyways, I think I should say thank you for being really happy joining our clan :P
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
My scariest moment was when it was my brothers birthday last year. My family and I decided to take public transport to the local Zoo, as we were on the Tram(smaller version of a train, which runs on main roads), we were approaching busy stop, were many people get on the tram, as the tram stopped, the doors open, holding out a sign with a drawing of a red hand which says "STOP!" - directed at the cars on the side of the tram, meaning that people are coming on and off the tram. Me and my family were sitting pretty much at the back of the tram, as we saw a tall man get up out of his seat and walks off the Tram. Right that moment when he put his two feet on the ground outside the tram doors, I saw a car Zoom past the back doors of the tram, that split second I knew what was going to happen to that man, he got hit by the car, and went flying in the air 5-10 meters past the tram and then again was ran-over by the same car.
I really didn't want to look, but the urge of my curiosity made me peak out of the window on the tram, to find a half-severed knee, two meters away from the man, my 6-year-old brother had no Idea what was happening, I didn't want him to see what had happened either, you guys can pretty much predict the rest.

I now this doesn't really relate to myself being scared, but seeing a guy flung into the air and then ran over by a car - not to mention the severed knee, was F*cking scary at the time.
Well, I guess the driver has a problem too. He stopped the tram and leaving a space so wide that a car can pass through. Just my personal view point
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
The car was an asshole. Not the tram's fault. Hope he got in jail. These are the kind of people who I hate most. People who do stupid stuff that might probably harm others. I just want to punch them right on the nose...
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Scariest moment for me was when some crackhead banged on my uncle's car window at night when we were driving through a ghetto.

Luckily my uncle has a pretty good punch, coming from the Navy. My dad rolls down his window and says, "Hey man, what do you need?" to which the crackhead replies, "Gimme all your money, I need my fix".

My uncle bopped that sucker-bucker right in the face, told him to get a job, and sped off.

Still kinda scary, that dude had like 3 teeth.
Originally Posted by Gotkicks2 View Post
The car was an asshole. Not the tram's fault. Hope he got in jail. These are the kind of people who I hate most. People who do stupid stuff that might probably harm others. I just want to punch them right on the nose...

Really? Just punch them right on their nose? Is that it? Come on, Kicks, be more eeeeviiiiiil. By the way, the scariest thing that happened to me so far was me breaking the key to our house and having to stay outside at night for about two hours. *Shudder*.
My kicks will give you U-NO-POO.
Hunters - Trespassers will be pwned.
Kicks is right, it was the drivers fault for not obeying the law. I'm positive the man wan't sent to jail, as the police class these type of things as 'accidents'. If the driver had sped-off and left the man he hit, it would be classed as a hit-and-run, but because he stopped and came back to see what had happened, he would have been given a fine of around 1000-3000 dollars.
1-3 thousand dollars isn't enough punishment for ruining (possible killing) someones life.
But yet if I was the driver and it really was an accident I wouldn't wanna go to jail for it.