Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Right side. Then you changed the side of flow to the left after the 500th frame.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Just watch the replay over and over , you'll see that it's spinning to the right side because both uke and Tori were spinning to the right side.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Hmm, I liked the spar. some hits were nice, but sometimes it looked like you really planned it, because you missed a lot of chances for hit.
And it wasn't really realistic at all, sometimes you were standing on your hands and were just kicking.

I don't see more flaws in it. But I have to give you a 7/10.

Well every hit and dodge was planned here and I know it ain't realistic ( the only realistic spar I ever saw is oblivion's sp one) but for me it's a good change from the all out hit type of spars I've seen mostly.

Hmm I do see your point with being on my hands and kicking though and will try to remove it for my next spars.
Forgot to put this so I'll upload it now. This is just my 3rd parkour and my first attempt at no-grab climb.

I am proud of the off-axis 900 jump I did over the gap tho
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#zalmoxis - 3rd parkour.rpl (535.3 KB, 66 views)
you will probably ignore my post becouse of issues in past but that is pretty good for 3rd parkour try,spins are cool,sometimes looks like you have problems with mooving foward,try to get stable pose for run while in air.
also when you climb try to jump only once,its pretty easier than do step by step.
and no i wont rate it.
Made a new replay today ^^

Cnc please.

Oh and it's my first 4dm boom ( because I skipped over it when I made my first 5dm boom lol)
Attached Files
#zalmoxis - equivalence.rpl (187.1 KB, 62 views)
Last edited by Zalmoxis; May 28, 2011 at 02:25 PM.
Dude the movement towards the first kick was sick. Nothing to complain about.
But after the kick , you lost a shit load of flow and momentum. Could be better.
The rest was ok , but a 4dms boom was in your hand.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all