I was thinking can you add the orgs one belongs to in ur mockup bojan? Also achievements somewhere..we need to try and show this to hampa maybe he'll be inspired. Would also love to get rid of the bounty messages..I think they're really ugly to be honest. And maybe a dummy showing where most of the damage was wwe
Last edited by William; Apr 6, 2013 at 02:02 PM.
Your messed up world enthrills me
Doesn't the redenning of the body parts show where the majority of the damage is being taken? Also, the bounty messges should be present only if someone clicks on the person. Like how their name shows up when clicked.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
These ideas sound extremely dry. Why would he even change that? It's not annoying in any way and doesn't affect shit.
We should discuss all of the suggestions on our frontpage too. See if there's anything we could change.
PM me with any and all questions
Originally Posted by ElectricBlue View Post
Doesn't the redenning of the body parts show where the majority of the damage is being taken? Also, the bounty messges should be present only if someone clicks on the person. Like how their name shows up when clicked.

Yeah the more red it is..the more it has taken damage but that eventually fades away. Something like a statistic in the end of the match, showing where you hit the most or where you got hit the most blabla..and yeah that sounds better.

Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
These ideas sound extremely dry. Why would he even change that? It's not annoying in any way and doesn't affect shit.
We should discuss all of the suggestions on our frontpage too. See if there's anything we could change.

Well it's a personal opinion I guess..they just don't look suitable.

Anyway, with the talk about toribash being in steam..applying for greenlight and what not. The main problem is that a decent trailer hasn't been done yet. What do you guys think a toribash trailer should contain?Maybe if we compile a decent list..we can send it to a video maker and make it happen!I'll post my ideas for it later.
Last edited by William; Apr 7, 2013 at 03:56 PM.
Your messed up world enthrills me
Originally Posted by William View Post
Yeah the more red it is..the more it has taken damage but that eventually fades away. Something like a statistic in the end of the match, showing where you hit the most or where you got hit the most blabla..and yeah that sounds better.

Well it's a personal opinion I guess..they just don't look suitable.

Anyway, with the talk about toribash being in steam..applying for greenlight and what not. The main problem is that a decent trailer hasn't been done yet. What do you guys think a toribash trailer should contain?Maybe if we compile a decent list..we can send it to a video maker and make it happen!I'll post my ideas for it later.

You mean like a statistic that shows the percent of damage done to each area?

And, I think the videos, these are good examples.


Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Never saw I got an answer :P I think for the vid it should start out slow and epic then maybe have more shit towards the end.
PM me with any and all questions
Uh, no!It's just that I have exams now..and we have already put in plenty of suggestions that will hopefully be reviewed by the game developer(hampa). We know that fish took some ideas for the clans stuff which is great. But, I'm guessing we should do some event to popularize this organization. I still have no idea what it is though.
Your messed up world enthrills me
We could always host a betting room to raise money to become official and recruit new people... well... I guess it's directly related though so we won't be needing 50k. Raise money for William? xD
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Username: Dengue
Suggestions+ critique:
Originally Posted by dengue View Post
4-Custom Points system.
the force required to score points would be an alterable value, similar to the way dismemberment and fractures are alterable.
so basicly you can set up value of score threashold for all bodyparts, let's say 5k is one point, couped with previous system we can have perfect boxing mod where only hits to head or torso with hands will cause damage, and it would not random, since you had to put enough force into to get points, while touching and random colliding would not count.
this will also allow to make very competative mods like taekwondo similar to real life concept. and lots of new interesting variations, and exclude random score

an alternative for this is trigger system with custom points,
will be really useful for objects.

It can be actually a modding feature with two new trigger actions(trig_action 3 for tori or 4 for uke)
and a new command (trig_point #any value for points)

With this two new features we can mod body points, and add object points on hits.

Art credentials(if any): I don't know what it is.
Last edited by dengue; May 1, 2013 at 04:44 AM.