I had the same problem first, that it wouldn't load the script, but i checked the place were i put the server bot files, and they were in an folder, like toribash/data/scripts/server, instead of toribash/data/scripts, it will ask you to overwrite the gui folder, i did and now it works, thnx for the programm and hope this helps.
sorry, I must be stupid but i don't quite get it, i know theres this create room function, but i wanted a little app to make a constant server and be able to change stuff, sorry for the noobish questions
will this work on mac?
Deadsy: the day i have Wendy's the first time, is the day the weather goes apeshit
Grimes: Inb4 Al Gore gets a UN resolution banning you from Wendy's.
hey blam i dont know if you still watch this thread (5 yrs old nearly) but i am trying this script and i am getting an odd error it is running the script saying it cant connect so i try running the .exe and i get an unhandled exception error saying it cant edit telnet.txt another program is using it any help?