Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Free]Sponsoring event for beginners

My partner (Ghamilton)and me just decided to do something good with the tc. We looking for beginner texturers who has already made some heads and tried to sell it but nobody was intrested.

Here is what we offer:

We want you to make us 5 head texures (the best what you can do,any style, your style, but remember you will give your name for this). We will buy on 1k/head price.

But we have conditions...oh yeah

When you finished the head you have to make a thread to the ART/TEXTURES section, something like this:

[Free]Free head textures

And if somebody wants them you have to give them, afterall you have received your payment for your work, and you can gain some reputation and name for yourself.

Why is it good for us?
Well we will have maybe later cool texturer friends. Oh and you can add to the thread: Sponsored by Ghamilton and Zolifun's tc shop(the logo below), and that will do for us.

In the first round we want sponsor 5 beginners. Maybe later if this turns out to being a good idea we can do more (with full textures, or bigger resolutions).

And i really want to ask the "pros" to stay away from this with the alternative accounts, they have their fames.
We don't take competitions in pms.
When you ready post your link here.
Propably you will receive some critics good/bad either, but this will help to improve yourself.There is always a "guy/dude/bro" who recognizes the possibly scammers, and the stolen heads, so please just skip that round.

So remember 5 beginners, propably the first 5.
You don't need to post right now your heads, because we want the new ones. Right now just sign up to this event if we got the first 5 competitors, we will tell the deadlines.

After you posted your thread here you will receive your reward, but i or Ghamilton will also send you pms with further details
Hope there will be some nice heads.

Have a nice Day

Signed up:
1.flood4life http://forum.toribash.com/showthread...27#post3078027
2.OpTiC http://forum.toribash.com/showthread...24#post3068524
3.ChiptroN http://forum.toribash.com/showthread...33#post3064933
4.Crazy12121 http://forum.toribash.com/showthread...23#post3069523

Sign up is over!

Sponsered By

Epic TC Shop!
Last edited by zolifun; Jul 14, 2010 at 12:51 AM.
I'm afraid that I won't be able to participate in 2.0 if event will take place after 10th August, because I'm going to vacation with my family ):
Mid Shop | Ru-Clan [FIRE] | Beginner Artist | Don' care bout my rep
Something similiar. We don't want the same thing, because now a lots of free head out there, we will think about it, we trying xome out something good, and again to beginners
Last edited by zolifun; Jul 17, 2010 at 09:52 AM.