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Toribash for different consoles and devices
Has anyone thought about making toribash compatible with android or tablets , or something like that?
And im not just talking about Minibash But the actual toribash in mobile devices, as in like someone is playing on pc but there is other guy playing on his phone or tablet.
So has anyone thought about it, is it possible'?
Toribash Mobile
I have an iPad and I really loved to play toribash in my pc, and I wonder if it would be possible to make toribash a mobile game. Clicking body parts would be a tap away, and there could be buttons for grab, (I forgot what the other two were but you get the point). It would be awesome.
Toribash for ios?
just wondering if it would ever be possible? i think the game would work well on a touch screen platform.
Many people had think up of this suggestion before. Answer is simple. If toribash was on ios, there would be many bugs that need to be fixed, not forgetting to mention about lags.
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
Good idea, but there's a problem for xbox members that doesn't have any gold membership in them, and they won't go online because of that.
Don't send me PM's, I don't read them.
Because console dev is expensive & they don't let just anyone release on them...

CBA going through it all again, check one of the other hundreds of threads about this to see the lists of why.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you