Name: Joona

ToriBash Username: DreamEater

Belt: 8th dan

Age: 16

Education / Qualification: I'm in vocational school

Occupation(if you are still a student leave this blank): -/-

Your Hobbies: Karate and Golf - but I haven't been at neither one in last few months because of my friends who take all my time

Your Goals: My dream is make one movie. I would be director and siting behind the camera, also I always wanted to write a book so I would make story of the movie too.

Your Goals in ToriBash: My goals from the beginning was 1) get in decent clan 2) get high belt and huge post count 3) get in promo team. I can already strike through to goal number one. About goal number two, I have now quite high belt and post count but I gave up this goal long ago because it started to feel quite useless. Then last and the biggest cliché of my goals - I have to admit that I'm fucking huge attention whore so that would be realy my dream. Running tourneys, keeping peace and make events. After that I think that I'm here so much that I could actuly do something.

the end. (before next episode/question)

About Yourself : I'm quite normal citizen of Finland. I wear almoust only black, I listen million bands from genres: everykind of metal and rock - also electrical music (tekno, drum and bass etc). In summer I run on every metal/rock festival as I can and in winter I angst in dark corners listening my mp3 player. I have been with one special girl soon almoust 2 years, we had fights and problems in last summer so we break up for several weeks. I could tell beautifull story about our young love - but maybe I keep business in myself :] even after I'm with lovely girl - I am realy realy lonely. Sitting days in computer without any good purpose ruining my social life....also eyes XD I already have a glasses. I hope I get more company now because my school just started. Let's hope the best and keep flag up high.

Why You Joined ToriBash: Well that's a funky story my best friend (we have known over 12 years already) big brother was playing toribash in single player uknownday.6.2008. He demonstrationed the game to us - first I thought this is like animation program and you can do game like animation by that so I started to watch toribash videos on youtube. After every video, I started realise that this might be game and after my research I discovered here is fucking huge forums with buyable items for customising character and I made my first account - Koukatsu. Name came from japanese word "sly". I played hapily only twinswords and made few accounts because I didn't want play mods like wushu, aikido and such. I got bored and I quit. Then my friend started to play and reached blackbelt. He teach me few moves for wushu I completly lost my mind and started to play 24/7 with new account - DreamEater. (friend nick - RazorWind/Shadowlion). Now I think quite decent member of community and play sometimes with rather only good people and sometimes offical servers ^^

Why You Like To Post On The Forums: Actuly I don't realy like posting here because of my not so good grammar. Also I don't have realy much to say expect in clan forums full of my good friends and IRC is way better way talk with people so I hang here only purpose of lurking others or buy something. Well that was ridicolously huge sentence, but after all because I am interested to digital art so I like visit here and praise works what members have done.

that's all folks
And the second largest penis in animal kindom