Endurance Onslaught 6.0
: P don't be hard on the kiddo, I'm a nerd too...kinda..Well, I study hard, go to the Pool sink some 8-balls, connect in here, kick some ass, and go to sleep after studying again.....
Wut do u do Corgin? (plz prove my point)
Where is all the passion we had... and why does it all end as soon as it begins....
ok lets see the definition of nerd.
thats a guy that studies to have a better future and a good job.
whats wrong about that
Well, ummmmmm
I learned maths for 4 hours today
So that means I'm a nerd
I'm still going to get a better mark than bigDan xD
I'm not sure if he's trolling or just very stupid >_>
hey hey hey
Im not bad at school
you just have more A-sheets than muscles
Proud leader of KiLa, an official clan.
R.I.P. Boris