I was about to say yes but then I saw this :
Originally Posted by Rasendor View Post
but im not very forum active,

No from me.
Добро не ценится — люди от него наглеют.
We do have enough, only in-game active players, don't need another one.
Добро не ценится — люди от него наглеют.
Belt-green belt
Speak any other languages?-no
Past clans-diamonds
Why you left them-they are inactive
Forum activity rating (1 out of 10)-2
In-game activity rating (1 out of 10)-10
What can you offer to [Pulse]?-i will help make it an official clan
Why do you want to join [Pulse]?-to help and get help from other players
Know anybody here?-seffy
Why should we accept you?-because i will help you making it an official clan
Originally Posted by Lord0 View Post
Belt-green belt
Speak any other languages?-no
Past clans-diamonds
Why you left them-they are inactive
Forum activity rating (1 out of 10)-2
In-game activity rating (1 out of 10)-10
What can you offer to [Pulse]?-i will help make it an official clan
Why do you want to join [Pulse]?-to help and get help from other players
Know anybody here?-seffy
Why should we accept you?-because i will help you making it an official clan

Denied you arent that active ingame and i ALSO i dont like your forum acticity level and you r app is pretty terrible
Originally Posted by Lord0 View Post
my hacked account was a fourm active

That cant change my mind. Ive got my Mind set
Lol I wanted tell my opinion tooooo. Why auto deny? I would like to say NO also
Добро не ценится — люди от него наглеют.
Yeah I'm with NO too because your no forum active at all and I bout many people are 10/10 active in-game.
[AC] Assassin