I didnt say it WAS james bond, but it is like it, because (i think) you are one person snooping around against lots of people.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
Oh. Sounds pretty fun...
Also, maybe a lot of us have a console similar. I have a wii, DS, and PSP. (I bought the handhelds with my own money.)
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
This thread is dying so lets give it another chance at life with a new topic: CHEESE!

Do you like it?
If so what is your favorite type?

Mine is camembert (it's pronounced camember the "t" is silent) it is really creamy and half squishy and go's awesomely on those dry biscuit things. Try some.
I used to like havarti, but im outta that phase now. I hate stinky cheese. Blegh.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around