Well this is hard.......
Elite has been fun and the people are great and So much fun but I know I said I would stay till the end but this is too much with the people leaving it has helped me into this amazing community and flourish and I can never thank this clan enough for it but I myself will try to seek and embed my self more in this community and this was a milestone so I say thanks for the memorys you guys have given me so I heed you this final goodbye I may not be in elite but I will be here and you guy will be engraved into my heart
Thanks so much peace <3
I'm Going, Sorry!
Since Im the only active for now [in elite] ill quit is, basically I've never meet any elite member but samux,aplhan00b,and Apollo, I've never seen any other mankind IN THE WHOLE WORLD, yep, goodbye, Have Fun , And Enjoy,
