Original Post
Toribash 2.0

New for 2.0:
- Dojo size option (anything touches outside the dojo leads to instant DQ)
- Sumo mod
- Visual updates to the GUI (new font)
- Impersonation prevention
- Windows server (host your own games)
- mod, server and replay launcher (by Rens2sea)
- remote server administration for clan matches
- Volume option
- PageDown, PageUp support in menus
- Some more mod options (world and color)
- Fixed naming of replays that didn't stick properly

There are 4 servers up for Demo users. Located last in the server list

Nokturnal has updated the web site aswell

If you have any problems or questions regarding your registration keys send me an email.

I've uploaded the OSX version aswell.

Re: Toribash 2.0
hey hempa, can we use our keys on another computer with toribash on it?....ive got a class at school that will let us play games in it and i was wondering if i could use it there?
OG of TB
A man of few words
Re: Toribash 2.0
Originally Posted by hampa
No problem,

Just don't use it at the same time.

You must be one of the nicest game developers I know.
Re: Toribash 2.0
For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
Which nobody can deny
Re: Toribash 2.0

just how many game developers do you know? So far as I'm concerned, Hampa's the only one that has ever spoken. (spake? decreed? you get the point)
Re: Toribash 2.0
Uh-mmhh. I seem to be having trouble with the servers... They won't go past the demo ones at the beginning. I'll try to work around this, but they seem to be down, or something.

Edit: Moved the demo servers to the bottom of the list in the servers file, but still, they're down.
Re: Toribash 2.0
I now have the full version. My only concern is the lack of people on any official servers besides the demo one. It's understandable, considering that the game barely came out so not many people have a chance to be on yet, but yeah.. Also, could you make it possible to do sumo mode in single player, hamp?
Re: Toribash 2.0
You can do sumo-mode in singleplayer. Either by starting ToriLaunch.exe in the Toribash folder and choosing the sumo mod, or running "Toribash.exe sumo.tbm" in some command-line-esque way (eg. Start->Run... "CProgram Files\Toribash\Toribash.exe" sumo.tbm ). Other sumo-like settings can be set in the setup screen (I believe no-grip is missing there, but in singleplayer I suppose it'd be just to, like, not grip :P (or change setting by replay-editing and such)).