/me shivers.
I had one of the most complex, most made sense, most awesome dream ever.
It was like, things could actually happen for once, unlike all the other dreams which were about weird monsters or somethings and like a mess.
I think I'll post it later just to like, yeah.
Also I really really hope I don't forget it.

Le awesomeness

Last edited by fluffykat; Jan 17, 2012 at 09:56 PM.
Zombie apocalypse.
It all started out as just some defend-this-position like out of a game.
Me and like 5 other guys, including Dubs and Lars, had to defend some place against some kind of zombies, and at the same time try to get a door open so we could get weapons.
Short story: We finished that quite easily. However, after this we went to the roof.

On the roof were like 20 more people, and lots more people on all other roofs in the city.
Only a few people were in the street, running around in panic.
Everyone were shouting at the people to get off the street, but there was no sign of the zombies.
People on the street were trampling each other, and a school bus even ran over two children, leaving a shittonne of blood.

Suddenly the zombies are more like an alien infection. It seems to be coming from some kind of red tentacles that grabs people and turns them into mindless berserkers.
The tentacles are highly intelligent, but also blind, only detecting people through movement.

The building we're has those tentacles everywhere. Coming through the walls and vents, and quite quickly only me, Dubs and Lars are left alive.
We slowly start cutting down the tentacles, hiding and ambushing it.

Suddenly it all changes again. The tentacles are almost friendly at times.
The building has lots of people again. Both the tentacles and the people gain the ability to shapeshift.

The tentacles seems to be friendlier when shapeshifted into animals, and also friendlier to animals.

I end up trapped in a corridor, with a big collection of tentacles just around the corner.
They slowly creep around the corner, and start sniffing, trying to identify what I am.
Then it suddenly pulls back very quickly, and a hyena comes to me from around the corner. I shapeshift into a lynx.

From there the dream changes quite drastically again. Me and the hyena are just best friends running around in the wild, playing, cuddling and hunting.

Aaand there the dream ends.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
What did I just read.

Also I be proud of being included in le dream.
Centuries Of Damn
Well I can't dream of a zombie apocalypse without having the two people I will survive the real one with, can I? :3
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
I remember something about me being in a minotaur costume with some kind of jetpack and flying with skis on. Then something about me being part of a pack of various canines and felines. It was all pretty interesting.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
I dreamed that I was infracted on the forums.


User wasn't infracted for this post
Last edited by Brubert; Mar 22, 2012 at 04:04 AM. Reason: IT WASN'T ME! SHUTUP!