
Clearification on the possible members of this list:

This will foccus primarly on the pathway that the fighters took to get into the championship, their title defesenses, how their fights as a champion went thru and the possible controversies surrounding their reign. With this in consideration, here is what will not make a part of the list: Their fights prior to their "pathway to the championship", any disparity in the skills of the opponents that they faced in the championship fight, the fights that they had after the end of their championship (if it didn't lead to any other title reign); Tournament winners won't be a part of this list, only lineal champions shall be on this list. Now with no further ado:


Nicco Montaño

This was an easy one. After only getting decision victories inside the TUF: A new world champion, she had her shot against the way more experienced Roxane Modafferi for the inaugural Fly Weight championship, which somehow she won via (also) decision to be crowned champion. For pretty much everyone who watched other fighters in the division above or bellow, it was clear as water that as soon as someone from those divisions came, her reign would be over and to add to the mistery, it didn't even end with a title defense, instead she failed to make weight for her title defense against Valentina Shevchenko and so she was stripped of the title and never again had a chance to fight for it.
Last edited by Josefaldo; Sep 6, 2020 at 11:05 PM.
The Official Mafia Clan Tournament
The clan tournament will start on September 19! The Clan Officials will have specific time out soon! So please be on the discord! The 1st place Winner will receive 15k TC and an item, 2nd place will receive 10k and an item and 3rd place will receive and item. After you've sent the TC, please send proof that you paid and post it our discord!

If you would like to join the Clan Tourney you must send 2,000tc to MAFIATCBANK in order to participate. Arrivederci!

The Mafia Clan Tournament rules are:
~only Mafia members are allowed to enter
~knockout mode/traditional tournament
~no nudges
~it will be a private server and i will post the password eventually
~the mods will be random official mods
~do not spam or you WILL be kicked w/o a refund
~don't get salty if you get your ass whooped
~the matchups will be randomized.
~if you leave the tourney you'll be disqualified (unless you ping)
~do not spam
~whisper Jiorno for any questions
~have fun!!!!
~if you pay to enter the tournament, and you do not attend, you will not be refunded!
~every member that participates will only be able to pay for themselves

Thank you and have a good day!

Fly me to the moon