Originally Posted by Umbre View Post
Bulldog ants,
People with black eyes (full black).

Top that ;]

Originally Posted by shook View Post
Ditto. So badly. No other kinds of death scares me more than being crushed slowly, until your body collapses, bones snapping, while blood sprays everywhere out of every hole. Coupled with my fear of brain injury, body horror and gruesome facial distortion, it makes for a shockingly powerful quadruple-whammy. Worst of all is crushing of the head. Merely reading it causes a deep feeling of terror in me. Probably downright phobic.

Other fears include: Spiders, stinging/biting insects, heights and jumpscares (AKA screamers). Yes, the last one is very impractical on the internet. Oh, and terrified faces, especially while screaming. It's crazy how uncomfortable it feels to look at such faces. Another thing that can also creep me the fuck out is anomalous behavior in sound/music and machines. Like, if the beeping on an alarm clock suddenly sounded really deep and distorted. The thought sends chills down my spine.

Shook did top that. Had to say it.
Ever seen the film Idiocracy? well, what happens in that is my worst fear.
Back for good.
I fear huge roaches that fly in a small room. :l And heights, also fear of rejection. (Girls, I mean.)
master of the universe
Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
there is only one person im afraid of. and thats my dad. he madman yo :< as for animals, meh. most likely just a shark. but thats about it. perhaps some species of spiders and snakes. and the arrowfish dont remember the name. but that shark guy got pierced in his heart with it.

You mean a stingray? And that "shark guy" was Steve Irwin, he was a great guy I miss him.
I am terrified of what my imagination does to me.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Eureka:Youre afraid of me?
...I think my avatar sums it up XD
Looks up 2:[Auskingd0m],[Venuuk],[Toast],[Ninjabent],[Festus],[Kobolt],[Oblivion],[kaszanas] and[BenDover]
people who are in powerful positions, but can't handle the power.

My worst fear is already happening since ever since.

Oh and wasps. Fucking hate those things.
If they would atleast make honey...
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
Slybash:I never went to school XD
Looks up 2:[Auskingd0m],[Venuuk],[Toast],[Ninjabent],[Festus],[Kobolt],[Oblivion],[kaszanas] and[BenDover]
Death .... - simple
"Carpe Diem" but "Memento Mori"
or if you want
"vanitas vanitatum, et omnia vanitas"
Last edited by Kaszanas; Apr 13, 2011 at 07:00 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.