Sup :3
Here to apply obviously
I would like in because I know/am friends with a pretty decent amount of members(zeto,internet,bulous especially)
Me and zeto practically grew up in tb together at that.
I at first wanted to take a high standard clan but got overwhelmed by the fact that I missed having a family and not a clan.
I'm sure some of you remember [mylittle], the clan was as close as could be and I'd like that to be the case here. I know I didn't have to post all this but I want to see if this will be like the old days for me. Now that ethr has gone practically inactive I couldn't take it anymore.
Consider me, thanks
Your name sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't say that I know or remember you. Feel free to hang out and post here, but I don't think we'll be accepting members for a little while.
Hucota, If I remember correctly you joined [mylittle] at a point.
Either that or someone else named hucota.
Soap, no hard feelings but why are you replying to applications? you already got several no's

fuze, I like you and stuff but I wanna hear what everyone else will say, probably going to be a yes from me but it would be a great idea to get to know everyone better
Why does me getting declined have anything to do with me posting? I'm not giving him a yes or a no. I'm just saying that I laughed when he applied here because he was talking shit to everyone who left Ethr. No need to be a dick, I'm just posting what I'm thinking.

Edit To the post down there v so I don't clog the thread: It wasn't "saved". inferno announced it to be dead, and then a day later decided that it was alive again. That practically killed the clan right there.
Last edited by Clay; Jun 1, 2013 at 02:06 PM.
I don't plan on applying to another clan, so if I need to wait I'm willing to
Edit:@soap, wasn't trying to be a dick to people, ethr was saved then people started leaving so I got really annoyed at it is all
Last edited by Fuze; Jun 1, 2013 at 01:34 PM.
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Why does me getting declined have anything to do with me posting? I'm not giving him a yes or a no. I'm just saying that I laughed when he applied here because he was talking shit to everyone who left Ethr. No need to be a dick, I'm just posting what I'm thinking.

@ Soap: This is a good reason why you got declined :l

& idk who fuzeboy is but uhh i would love to get to know him.
Last edited by Bulous; Jun 1, 2013 at 02:56 PM. Reason: EDIT
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