FreeFlash, i remember when i was nightlotus, i swear you sparred better back then, you need to work on balance and flow BAD. maybe we can practice one of these days.
That is true... I started focusing on Erthtk and aikido and stuff like that and sparred a lot less than I used to... I would love to spar with you, whenever I get the time, because I am quite busy in school, too... :/
New awesome one with Josh. I would say that was the most powerful ko in all of my spars... I was a bit twitchy, but we did a good job...
Attached Files
FF vs xZJoshZx.rpl (1,001.3 KB, 9 views)
Here is a really cool replay in which we started off with a flip off and tried getting back to each other and sparring again... We had no idea it would look so good...
Attached Files
FF and Detacher.rpl (854.8 KB, 10 views)