Yo guys, just thought I should post here, Neglected this thread.
How about hosting a Team GB hosted tourney? I am willing to go 50/50 with a Co-Host on the global, I won't rant on about this on this thrwad but PM me. Anywhooo, Anyone for Tea and scones?

Originally Posted by BloodMach View Post
Meh, What should the Background be?

As for this, I'm not really an artist but I would say the Background atm is a tad "Eye sore'ish" i would recommend a black background, Look at my avvy for example, something simplistic would look good with the rest of the banner. Also try to make the main part of the Banner (The tori's) a little bigger, i like the simplicity in this art. Also, pick a better font for the writing, it is a little unclear

All the b3st, b3st
"Slaughter is the b3st medicine"
Good eventing fellow Brits o7
Good old Kingsta here from the UK

Some info:
Name: Connor-Lloyd Bentham
Belt: 6th dan black belt
Age: 18 Years Old
What County you live in: Lancashire
What City/Town you live in: Lancaster
Why you want to join: The British do it best, I want to know my brothers within this community and raise awareness of the UK's capability into this community.
Other: Interested in all sports, socialising and making every community a better place!

Never even noticed there is an org for this, good going Vordred.
If you need any more information let me know.
People from the UK are too busy being awesome, I'll let me fellow Brit friends get involved when I get a chance to talk to them! I've seen a lot more Brits than what's on this list!

Thanks for accepting anyway!
What country you live in:England
What city/town you live in:Birmingham
Why you want to join: I am looking for a chilled clan and a clan all about my home country seems like a good one
How active you are:10
Other: I am an active Toribash player who simply wants to impress and chill out ;).