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Grab threshold
I know this is ragdoll physics, and not everything is supposed to be realistic.
However, I think it would be a neat mod/game rule in which grip will be lost after a certian amount of pressure is met. This would be neat for breaking out of holds or pin downs.
Last edited by Lazors; Aug 9, 2014 at 10:39 PM.
Originally Posted by Qubic View Post
(a whole bunch of stuff that I'm snipping for neatness)

The problem is, your biggest argument for why we need this seems to be realism. The competitive mods where this would make a difference aren't about realism; they're about exciting competition between two perfectly constructed combatants. It's a setting far from realism, but with its own rules and laws. Trying to apply real logic to that deviates from everything that gives Toribash the look and feel we all love. Realism's place in Toribash has always been non-competitive sparring, which A: usually does not implement grabs and B: is an environment where the participants decide their fighter's limitations, making the idea a moot point in that setting as well.
well breakable grab would add to the realism of the game and toribash was not meant to be realistic. But it was made realistic, isnt the purpose of the game is to create your own moves? Design and be creative? what is more creative then improvement? if anything we should try it out.
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Originally Posted by Qubic View Post
Just reread your post. You literally said that what we have now is perfect. I don't know how this counterargument could get any easier. What we have now is obviously not perfect if people complain about it. I don't see what gives you the insight to say that it's perfect. Anyways, again, change couldn't hurt if it can be reversed. I don't see any harm in making it an "opt-able" gamerule. Trying it out would be interesting. Change is good.

I did not mean that what we have now is perfect, I meant that the fighters you control in the game are supposedly perfect combatants. Hence the name "Violence Perfected". I didn't mean to imply that the game itself is perfect.
Originally Posted by Qubic View Post
That is not what violence perfected means at all. They are not perfect fighters... their limbs break off.... why not their grabs? It's just a catchy phrase to support the game. It doesn't mean that tori and uke are perfect fighters. No idea where you got that from.
Like I said, assuming things are fine as they are without testing something that a lot of people think would make the game funner just promotes stagnation. Why would you want that? Why not just try it?

Thank you, people always say the same thing "It's fine as it is" Give it a try, if people don't like it then get rid of it, if there is no complaints then we keep it. I do hope this get's implemented into toribash.
I think it's a fantastic idea to have this as an optional gamerule. It would allow for some interesting grappling mods.

Perhaps there should also be an option for setting different "gripability" values to different body parts. That way you could make it so it's easier to hold on to opponent's forearm or foot than to his abs or glutes, for extra realism.
Auto ungrab
I hate wrist DM and frac so I think if we can somehow make the tori just auto ungrab if the wrist reach a threshold?
We hate dm and fracs, but we will love it when our opponent got it. So i'm not sure this idea is good because it will make the game so easy.

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Originally Posted by Kaito View Post
We hate dm and fracs, but we will love it when our opponent got it. So i'm not sure this idea is good because it will make the game so easy.

strawman failed.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
[Supported] I would love that!
1st. In aikido, sometimes your enemys hand is stuck to your leg. And maybe my arm hits that hand and it flews away and dq. That would be so usefull!.
If you hold on for too long with too much pressure, you could be damaged (aka opponent gains points). I think this would he sweet. This could also help with the random hand dismemberments in Akido. Yet, I dunno about Akido, that would make it unfair. But Mushu and other mods that are similar; that would be a neat twist to the game.

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