AFK ppl
I know that I'll be a timeout and I will not connect, I'm not removing Toribash or anything like that on the contrary, rather I want to stay but I can not in my house there are many problems, and my uncle got into a very serious problem and we have to go for a few days, maybe months
Orion would like you to please charge my account for days / months I'll be out I'll send you a pm with my password
So if you want, if you accept only have to revisit the forum and the threads to which I subscribed.
good I leave for now, I'll leave 4h 4h exactly then please answer me fast orion
Greetings Take care
I'll miss ya guys :/
(ye that sounds gay)
so you want me to check on subscribed threads for you?
do you need me to post anything?

i will do it

also we will miss you to
good luck
Free Pv2Caribou
im listening to psyco,groupie,coccaine,crazy its pretty funny if ya think about it.