I'm really sorry for being inactive again, i have to focus on my exams, its coming in about 4 weeks. I'll try to go in if i have the time
I've seen him a couple of times.Anyway,I'm out of town and won't have access to the internet for anywhere between 3 and 7 days.If you have urgent requests and whatnot,Richard is the dude to contact.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
i will be active just saturday and sunday etc..
Bushido aikido player - songwriter/composer - I draw stuff
I'm gonna be out in-game until I get my grades safe I'm really close to expulsion because of my behavior so I need to get my grades high. I'll try to be active on forums through my itouch.

@trich can I be out of your event and please don't put my name and record in the thread.

To all of those I challenge, please excuse me for my absence in-game.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO